Chapter 3

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them. I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.

Nightcore: Worthless

Don't listen until I say thanks

Also the surnames I use are not their real ones I added them so they had full names and not just first names. I think you will know which ones by the *.

The song that I will be using for the song they write doesn't belong to them or me it belongs to Writer(s): emma rohan, jez ashurst, rachel clare furner, Little Mix feat. Jason Derulo: Secret love song.


Naruto POV

I can't believe he stop by while I was working, I didn't think I would see him again. I mean he has my number but I just thought that would be it. Now he knows who I am and I bet he is wondering why I live or work when my parent and multi-millionaires and if I did something for them to hate me.

Soon its closing time and after work I help clean up before heading home, doing my home work before going sleep. As soon as my head touches the pillow I'm out like a light even if I don't sleep much because of school and work I still get enough.

After I wake I go shower and do all the morning things before leaving for school as it starts at 8 and finish at 3:30.

I have English with Umino Iruka first, Maths with Katou* Yamato, then after break History with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Biology with Takenaka* Orochimaru, Physics with Hatake Kakashi, then after lunch Chemistry with Sarutobi Asuma before heading home to help Sasuke with whatever it is before going work.

I hand in my homework for each class and when lunch comes round I sit at the usual table with my friends, Inuzaka Kiba, Sabaka* Gaara (his uncle is our art teacher), Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Aburame Shino, Hyuga Neji and Rock Lee. I can't wait til school is over I want to know what sasuke wants help with.

After school I make my way home while listening to music on my MP3 player and I soon start singing along to the songs.

(Play the song now)

(Naruto sings)

You told me, when you told me, not to write a song about it. But then again I also asked you to be loyal

You were everything that I was ever afraid of,
But against my better judgement I went ahead and fell in love,
You gave me the world,
I gave you my trust,
I invested in you,
You invested in us,
Who would've known you'd hurt me so much.
Because just one night you decided,
That you go ahead and confide in another love,
Undercover, under the sheets.
I'm glad that you told me the truth, but I hate that you said I love you right after you told me
Why do you do what you do
Why do you do what you do

I'm feeling worthless (I'm feeling worthless)
I don't deserve this at all,
I'm feeling worthless (I'm feeling worthless)
Because you decided to fall
Back on your promise of us,
Back on on your promise of trust,
Oh I hate you now so damn much,
I'm feeling worthless (I'm feeling worthless)

Now a days when I look in the mirror,
What I hate couldn't be any clearer,
I don't like what I see, shit, I don't like me,
You used to like me a lot,
Until that one night that you forgot,
That I-I-I, that I was worth anything.

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