Chapter 10

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Sasuke POV

For the last week I have been waiting for a reply from Kononha High to see if I can enrol or not. I haven't told Naruto yet as I would like it to be a surprise to him. Also if I do I will signed up for all the same classes as him as I want to be with him every day and not just a few hours here and there at least this way I can.

We haven't gone any further then just kissing as nether of us are ready to take that leap just yet. We do cuddle when we are watching a movie or something and we talk about most things. I also know there is something Naruto is keeping from me but I know when he is ready he will tell me.

He has also talked to his dad a few time same as Shizune. I happy he is getting along with his dad and when they talk about Mito, his face lights up because its the first time he has been able to be a big brother.

When I final get the letter from the school saying I will be starting next Monday. Its only been a month since school restarted after summer that's why I signed up to go as I really want to spend my last year in school and not being home schooled like I have been since we became famous. I can now do that since I met Naruto because before it was something I wanted but never thought I would do until now.

I also spend most of my days at Naruto house working on the song for the album. He also got an other set of keys made for me just in case I was out when he finish school thats what he said but I think it a little more then that. One day the others came round as one of the song just didn't sound like I wanted it to. It took us a while but them Obito said something about a choir that we were able to finish it.

A few times that week I stay over at his but just as the first time he lets me have the bed while he slept on the sofa. I have said to him I don't mind being the one who sleep on it but his answer is always, 'your the guest so you get the bed.'

On those day he wakes up early makes his lunch for school has a shower before cooking breakfast for us both which is always good, rice, omlets, beacon, sausage and toast. If I'm still asleep he puts it on the plate warmer so its still warm when I wake up. Then when he come home he sits and does him homework cooks dinner before going to work. If he hasn't finished his homework before he goes work he does the rest when he come home before going bed.

Some days I just don't know how he does it but he does no matter how much he gets he makes sure he does it the day he gets it ready for when it needed to be handed in. On the days he doesn't have any he helps me write the music saying how, 'when he was writing the song the music he wrote them to sounded a little like. He hums the tune and from that I write the music I think sounds just like it.

He even wrote some more songs while I work on the others and some of them count my attention and I told him they can be the song for are next album. He would just hum the music as he writes them or uses the guitar, from what I hear they are really good.

Even the other member of Night-star have some of Naruto song books and they are working on the songs they like in them.

Its Sunday again tomorrow and because I know we will be at the studio most of the day I go out and do the food shopping while Naruto is at work. I also put the washing on so he won't have much to do tomorrow once we get back home. Unlike last week he didn't go sleep till everything was done so I thought I would make it easy for him this time so he doesn't have much left to do.

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