Chapter 24

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Both POV

Over the next few months we both learn how to look after our son, change his nappy, give him a bath, feed him and just being parents. Naruto stays home while I'm still in collage, once I'm home I give naruto a rest and look after Natsu unless I have assignments I need to do for class.

My mum comes round some days and looks after him too so naruto can have a rest and do the things that he has been doing for years. He has also manage getting our new home just like his old bedsit. Each room is done different the only rooms he hasn't done is the bedrooms they will be done one day once our other children are born, he has done Natsu room for a child one wall has been painted with washable black/white paint, while the other have hand painted pictures on them. 

The black/white wall is for him to drew on when he is a little older as we know children like drawing on walls even after you tell them no because its wrong, this way he can and once he finished it will wash off which you can't do with wall paper. We learned that from mum as she told us I would draw on the walls and they had to redo it over and over until they did one of the walls in washable paint after that I would only draw on that one wall until I grow out of it.

She said the wall is still there with the last picture I drew on them as they never had the heart to clean it after that last time. Maybe they will once Natsu is older so he has a wall at his grand-parents house too that he can draw on.

I have also started working at my dads record studio and I am learning how everything works from Nagato. Natsu is with me while I'm working as I don't want a nanny looking after him like I was. Some times when a group or singer comes to record their new singles or albums I recognise some of the songs they sing as I'm the one who wrote them. Some have trouble singing them at first so I go and talk to them about how they should be sang.

Some don't like it at first until I tell them I was the one who wrote them and how I pictured them sung. I would sing them how I wrote them and once they heard how they are meant to be sung, then they got it down. Some get it right away but not many manage it until I help them with it. 

Dad stops by every week to see how I'm getting on and Nagato tell him I got everything on the first day of being here. He also spend time with his grandson before going back to work, He sometimes need me to help him upstairs too which I am happy to do also.

Sasuke is also in his last few month of this collage year and once he is finished he will be working for my dad until he starts his last year. When he has finish collage my dad told us we could work for him until we are ready to start our own company, that way we learn the rope of how to run a recording studio and office before starting our own.

Mum is still trying to turn menma against us all and some times he stays with us to just get away from it all. When he does I help him with his school work that he finds a little hard, so now he is doing well in school I also went and talk to his teachers because I believe he has dyslexia. After that they did the tests and found out he has and now he also has the support at school he needs. 

When I did go to his school to talk about it with his teachers I also told them Naruko could also have it too, as I have heard from Menma that she is having trouble also with her classes. I ask them to test her too so she will also get the help she needs, I ask them not to tell who asked them too as I didn't want her to know it was me who did this for her. After all she is my little sister and I love her even if she doesn't care about me the same way I will still do anything I can to help her.


This summer Night-star will be touring again and this tour is for the dance album that has gone platinum since it came our just over a month ago. So for the next few weeks we will be learning the dances from naruto and his friends who will join us on stage. They will be Kiba, Lee, Neji, Shi, Shikamaru, Hinata, Sakura, Tenten, Ino, and Temari. 

They will be the background dances, we will join them too as we will be getting some other musician to play the songs why we dance with them. For the ones that are fast it will just be them along with naruto and myself but the slow ones we will all be dancing. I just hope the tours is a success like the album was and that we don't disappoint the fans.

Once the tour is over I'll be back in college for my last year before working at naruto fathers company for a year before we start our own. After that we will start to build it up into a top recording studio that top artist will want to be signed with. Night-star will be the first as it will be better and easier that way. Then we can bring singles and albums out when we want and not worry about it to much about a dead line for each like we do now.

Ever since Natsu was born I have wrote many songs because I have so much time then I once did as my father won't let me work long hours and only four days a week. He told me that because of how I am, he understands I want to spend time at home with Natsu and be home when Sasuke finishes college for the day. He won't let me work on the day Sasuke has no college even though I told him it was alright, he full out said no that is the day for just sasuke, Natsu and yourself being a family not working. I told him we have the weekend to do that but he still said no.

After that I never brought it up again, I just feel wrong not working like I once did before Sasuke entered my life but I'm also glad about it to, so I understand why he said it. My family will always come first for me as they are the most important to me, after not knowing what it felt like growing up without one for so long. 

Sasuke made my dreams come true with giving me a family and for that I could never stop loving him for everything he had done for me since the day we met. He gave me love that I never had after the twins were born and Shizune had to look after them not me. He gave me the feeling of family when I met his and he also gave me my father, brother and little sister back after that Sunday in the studio when my father walked in and asked who I was. 

I now have a family of my own one I never thought I would have in my life with everything I have been through since the moment I was born. I can't wait till we have more children and start our own recording studio business in the next couple of years. Which is all thanks to Sasuke because without him I would still be working six days a week and being alone not knowing the feeling of love and family that I now have and its all because of him.        


1469 words

Song list:
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga

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