Chapter 18

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.

Please don't play any of the songs until told too thanks.


Sasuke POV

I finished writing my song that I have wrote for Naruto and we are also a week from Christmas and cause we have no school we have most of our day free until Naruto has to go work. So the last few days we have been doing our christmas shopping to buy gifts for everyone. We are also spending Christmas with my family and some of Naruto if they can make it but I don't think they will.

So tonight while Naruto is working I'm going into the studio with the other to record my song. The cover is done Nagato help me with it last Friday so once the song if done he will put it on a disc with a couple more songs only this time it won't be a rush job like the other CD were, so he knows how much feeling went into it.

So after dropping him of at work I'll be going into the studio to record the songs but before starting I will be saying something before the song plays.

"Hey sexy did you sleep well."

"I always do when I have you in my arms."

"Me too. So what we doing today more Christmas shopping, hanging out with our friends, write song n music or something else."

"I don't mind what we do as long as we are together doing it."

"How about working on some of the dance tracks for the dance album you would like to do."

"Sure but I have no idea how."

"Nor do I but after listening to some I think we can do an alright job on them."

"Why not lets try."

For the rest of the day we try writing one, the first two try's didn't go well but we are getting better I think. With a little more time we should be able to write them together. We stop to make lunch when his dad rings him.

"Hey dad, how's it going."

"Wow thats not good what you gonna do."

"I could help if you need me to, until you find a new one "

"Yes sure I just can't believe after working for you for so long mum fired her."

"Bring her round now I'm not really doing anything just working on some songs with Sasuke."

"Yes pick her up when you finished as long as it before 6 as thats when I need to be at work myself."

"I bet she was, how could mum say that about you two. She have been looking after me, the twins and Mito for years."

"I know maybe we should tell mum about me, try to get her to understand why."

"No I don't think she will but I think we should try."

"Yes sure see you in a bit."

"Okay bye."

I wait until he finished on the phone with his dad before asking him what happened but I think I can guess by just listening to his side of the conversation.

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