Chapter 26

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Naruto POV

Our son Kaidan is now a month old and tomorrow I will be leaving my family and my one true love so they can be happy without me. So tomorrow I'll be at work in the morning but tomorrow lunch I will be going out saying I need to do something and I will see you at home later. I have been trying not to show anything to any one these passed few months, so they can't see how sad I am because I know that if I did I wouldn't be able to leave my loved ones behind. 

My new name is Nero Underwood and I have changed everything over into that name opened a new bank account with an other bank and over the last few month I have put money into it and I have also left money in my other account. Everything I want to keep but not take with me I have put in a safety deposit box as I don't want to leave them at the house.

So all the money I made before sasuke and I got married has been took out and put into my new account. I have also brought a bedsit as I don't want to live in a house as its too big for just one person. I have also made sure I finished Kaidan room before leaving, he looks just like me but has sasuke eyes, Natsu looks just like sasuke but has my eyes.

I wish deep inside that I wasn't leaving them but I know I have too, because from the moment I met sasuke my life changed so much. I want from being alone and working to having someone there everyday. Then I met my dad again and from that moment on everything started going wrong for him because of me.

Within three months he left my mum because of me and they divorced. My dad lost his daughter because she hated me and so she didn't come round anymore, then three years ago my mum moved to the US taking the twins with her. So for three years my dad hasn't seen them, so I hope that once I'm gone she will come back, then they can get back together just how they once were.

I even wrote a letter to my mum but I didn't put my name on it as I don't want her to know its from me. That way she knows I'm no longer round, so she can put her plans in motion that she has been planing for years. That way she will be happy and so will Naruko because she will get Sasuke just like she wants.

Time skip   

Before leaving for work today me and sasuke made love as I need to feel him deep inside me one last time and to hold him before I leave. He tried to pull out before he came but I wouldn't let him and I held him close as he realised inside me. If I become pregnant then at least I have someone to love and even if I don't, I will always have my memory's of our last time together.

At lunch time after we finish eating I leave to run a few errands so Kaidan will stay with Sasuke while I do those. Yet once I leave I will go home get what I need before getting the bus to the airport. Then I will leave every thing I love behind and start my new life far away from here I just hope they understand why I've done this. I have done this for every single person I love so they can again be happy like they once where before I can along, turning their lives upside down.

Before getting my flight I go into the man toilet and change my hair, face and clothes. I will be putting a brown haired wing on and brown contacts, putting concealer on my cheeks to hide my whiskers. So from this day on my blue eyes will be brown along with my hair and my whiskers will be concealed from this moment on unless I'm at home alone.

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