Chapter 8

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Naruto POV

Sasuke picks me up just before ten so we can go to the concert hall. The stage is all ready set all they need to do is find an outfit for me to wear for the song unless they want me on stage longer then just one song. They don't know what going on yet so I'll be singing with them while they rehearse for tonight. 

Sasuke take me back stage and into wardrobe for them to pick some clothes out before going and getting the ear plugs that will help with noises that will be heard from the fans. Before going on stage and running though the play list for tonight concert.

I just stand there for now until they brought out an electric guitar for me to use and after that we started playing the run down. I know all of them so I didn't really need must time to learn them. I only had to hear a song once and I can play it. So as soon as they start I join in. 

We play all the songs before leaving the stage to go home so we can have a shower before coming back to do the show I just hope it goes well and that the fans like the song we wrote.


When we get back me and Sasuke go into his changing room and while we change Sasuke starts saying things about the show.

"When it start you will wait back stage until I introduce you and you will walk out and go to were your electric guitar and mic is and I want you to sing, song 4 with me, song 5 on your own, song 7 and 8, song 10 and 11, then the last one will be song 12 which is our song so we will sing that together alright." 

"Thats fine with me but why do you want me to sing so many."

"Because some of the song don't fit my voice right and song 5 should be a female singing not male because thats how I wrote it in my head but no one wanted it so we added it to our songs but I think it would sound better with you singing it how it should be sang."

 "What about song 11 will I know it."

"Yes you will as its one you wrote and sang to us the other night. We spent all day learning it yesterday so we could play it tonight. I hope you don't mind but I think the fans will like it along with our other one."

"Thats fine I just hope it goes well like it did early today."

"It will Naruto and your friends will be there cheering you on."

"Thanks Sasuke."

I don't know what happen but I walk up to him and kiss him on the lips, soon after he gets over the shock joins in and he runs his tongue along my bottom lip asking for enter which I give. He feels every single inch of my mouth before slowly pulling away for us to catch our breath. Him forehead rests next to mine.



Soon its time for us to go to make up and change before heading out on stage for there last concert for their last album.

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