Chapter 25

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Five years later

Over the last few years the relationship with menma has stopped because mum moved away and sold the house that dad brought, we all think she did it to spite my dad because of his relationship with me. I told him that I would understand if he never wanted to see me again because he last the twins.

"Look naruto I am not going anywhere because I know that one day they will be back and when they are they will come looking for me again." (M)

"Dad they need you more then I do, don't let them feel how I did please." (N)

"This is their mothers doing not mine, she is the one that moved them to the US because she doesn't what them to know you as their brother or son. Menma still calls us and even writes when he can, I just miss them but I also know that one day she will lose them both with how she is. When that day comes I'll be here with open arms welcoming them home." (M)

"If it wasn't for me they would still be here not half way around the world." (N)

"Naruto stop its not good for you to get upset and stress yourself because of the baby, so please stop worrying about this. I won't be able to live with myself if something happened to you and your unborn child."(M)

"Your dads right baby, this isn't your doing its your mums, she is the one who moved to keep the twins away from all of you three because she doesn't what them to leave her like your dad did." (S)

"I left because of how she was, saying how everything was hers and that she had built the company up from nothing. It was how she was towards Mito that made me wonder and then you. You and Mito are the double of me while the twins look like her, what mother would be that way towards their children because of how they look." (M)

"A lot do that, we just don't think much about it but things like that happen all over the world." (N)

"Naruto please stop worrying about this its been two years now since they left, one day they will understand and on that day their mother will see what she has missed out on and come running back here too." (M)

"I feel like its my fault if I never met Sasuke they your life would still be good like it was for the years you never know about me. Yet once I come back your life turns to hell because of me." (N)

"No baby don't ever say that without you I wouldn't have a son and another on the way. Without you my life would still feel empty, you complete me Naruto because without you there is no me." (S)

"He's right Naruto none of this is your doing, we left you the moment we took you home. Then when you were five we took away the only one who showed you love because of the twins. Its my fault and your mothers not yours, you were just a child who had to learn to look after themselves by getting a job at that age. 

Without them you wouldn't be here now and you wouldn't be who you are. Your heart is made of gold, your selfless always put other before yourself and help those who need it. Without a thought for yourself, everything you do is for others no matter who they are. So please stop blaming yourself for how everything is because you had nothing to do with it, all you did was open my eye towards everything that was going on. 

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