Chapter 14

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Sasuke POV

When I wake up in the morning I can hear naruto in the kitchen making breakfast, I know he has already had a shower, so I get my school clothes and put them into the bathroom, before going into the kitchen and kiss Naruto just like I did the day before making the love bite on his neck darker so it stands out more. I want everyone at school to know hes mine.

"Morning baby."

"Morning Sasuke. Go take your shower breakfast in nearly done."

"Okay baby I won't be long love you."

"Love you to sexy."

I go and take my shower once I'm done I get dress and go into the living room and breakfast is waiting for me as I'm about to sit Naruto come in with the apple juice and pours us each a glass before sitting down himself and starts eating.

When we are done we get our bags and make sure we have the things we need for today before we leave and get into the car. The radio is on but the songs playing must be one Naruto doesn't like or he would be singing along to them.

Pulling up outside the school and making our way inside hand in hand. When we open the door we see a big sign saying assembly today met up in main hall. Naruto leads us there and once inside we sit down waiting until everyone is here and they are ready to start.

We sit there about 20 minutes and Naruto friends come in they see us and sit beside the both of us so no one can sit next to me and we talk among ourselves waiting for the rest.

"So did you both have a good weekend?" (Ki)

"Yeah it was great. How was yours?" (N)

"Boring I had to clean my room and do my own washing." (Ki)

"Well I have told you to keep your room clean it would be so much easier if you did. As for washing I've been doing my own for years, its not that bad once you get used to it." (N)

"So why do you think they called the assembly for." (S.H)

"Your guess would be as good as mine." (N)

"Hows the new album coming on or haven't you started it yet?" (I.Y)

"Its finished we recorded the last song for it yesterday so it should be out in a couple of months after we've promoted it a little. The new single will be coming out next week." (S)

"Is that the one you and Naruto wrote and sang at the end of your concert the other week." (G)

"Yes thats the one." (S)

"What about the song Naruto sang before it will that be on there too or will that be the single after this one?" (H.H)

"After." (S)

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