Chapter 27

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Sasuke POV

Today felt different then normal as I made love to Naruto like I have done so many times, yet this morning instead of letting me pull out like I do if I don't wear a condom he let me come inside him, even if our second son is only a month old. I know he doesn't want anymore children yet so why did he do that.

After we had lunch he when out to run some errands only this time he left Kaidan with me unlike the other time when he has taken him. I have no idea what is going on maybe he just needs a little time alone as he really hasn't been able to have over the last month. 

When I pick Natsu up from school a it looks like naruto hasn't finished yet with his errands so he text to see if I could pick him up. I don't mind doing that at all as it gives me some alone time with my sons. 

As the hour go by I start to worry as it has never took him this long before I try and call but it goes to voice mail, which only happens if he is somewhere that has bad phone reception so I text him asking him to ring me when he can and that I will see him when he gets home.

When it hit seven I ring his friend to see if they has seen him or not and after that I look round and see if anything is missing which their isn't, his passport and clothes are still here so why isn't he home yet like he normal would be.

I even look at his song books and I see one that looks new so I take it out and start looking through it and the song are so heartbreaking I understand he won't be coming back. Each one has a story starting from the moment we met until now. Each one has so much meaning behind them that only someone who know him would understand.

I don't know how I can do this without him but I know I can't give up as I have two sons to raise and I will do the best job I can do. I just don't know how I'm going to tell Natsu his mama isn't coming home again.

That night after I shower I go bed and just hold his pillow as I cry my heart out, knowing this morning was the last time I will ever hold him and make love together.

Five years later

Its been five years since that day and Minato told me about this Australian sing who he had heard on you tube, Mito was playing it on her phone in the living room. She said it sounded just like her brother even if they look so different from him. He believed her because even now she can't go sleep without her brother songs playing in the background. 

So I watch the video and listen to his albums and she is right he does sound just like Naruto does. I look him up online and find out who his record company is and after getting the number and checking the time different I will call them. As its nearly ten at night here I will ring tomorrow morning once I'm in the office.

The boys miss their mama so much Natsu more then Kaidan as he never know naruto like natsu did, yet he know the reason why he left and at first he didn't understand why but as the years go by he does. We always talk about him and how much he loved us all, yet sometimes I hear him blame himself for him leaving us the way he did.

I recorded all the songs that he wrote before he left and I made copies for each of us. I think it help them understand better them I could explain it to them and I think that why he wrote them to help us all understand why.

After going bed and putting them on before falling asleep. I dream of naruto just like I do every night since he left and my love for him is still as strong as it was from the start. No matter how many years go by it will never change just grow stronger each passing day.

I wake up have a bath and get ready for work before waking the boys up for school. Once I drop them off I go into the office and make that phone call.

"Good morning, Shadow-land Inc, Alex Cook speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hello this is the manager as Uchimaki Inc in Japan, I'm calling about one of your artist. His name is Nero, I saw his video on you tube and then listened to his albums. I was just wondering if their was any chance I could met him, as I would like to offer him a record deal so he can record outside of Australia."

"I'm sorry but that won't be possible as he made it clear when he agree to out contact that he wouldn't tour or realise a single or album outside of  Australia. He never told us why but we agreed to it."

"So he doesn't want anyone else to hear just how good he is?"

"Yes, I'm sorry but unless he tell me different I can't help you."

"How about this I come over next week and make an appointment and you introduce me to some of your singer him being one of them."

"I think I can do that how about ten am next Friday."

"Sure, I will also be bringing my sons, as I don't really like leaving them since their mum left."

"That fine, I understand perfectly, as thats just how Nero is too. So next Friday at ten, see you then."

"Great I'll see you then."

After I hang up I book the tickets for us all, so will will get there Wednesday night with a five day stop over. I just hope it is him and I can somehow get him to come home to us. 


Not long after naruto left Menma wrote to his dad telling him have his mum had got a letter from an unknown person, saying it was okay for them to come back to japan and all is forgiven now and they can once again be happy like they once were. When Minato rang him asking what he meant he told us that the problem was gone and that she could now put her plans into action.

Still to this day we don't get what it means and they are still in the US and don't plan on moving back here anytime soon. Which we are grateful for as we don't need her back here bring trouble for us all.

Wednesday morning after packing a bag for all of us we leave for the airport  to catch out flight to Melbourne. The boys are really excited about it and so am I as it could be Naruto and if its not then I will keep looking for him like I have been for the last five years.

"Come on boy we don't want to miss our flight now do we."

"Sorry daddy, I forgot froggy, you know I can't sleep without him."

"Put him in your bag Kaidan and then we can leave."

"Kay daddy."

"Do you have everything Natsu?"

"Yeah dad I do."

"Good then lets go."  

We get in the car and drive to the airport when Kaidan puts on our songs for us to listen too on the way. Once there I take it out and put it in my bag for us to listen to once we get there. I have also hired a car for us to get around while here so its not taxi or bus as we hate limo's.

I even hide a condo on the sea front for our stay as I think hotels just cause to many problems, so to make it better for us too. That way the boys have their own beds and not having to share a bed like they would have if we stayed in a hotel.

Tomorrow we are going to spend it on the beach as it will be a mini holiday for the boys as well as me, even if I do have a meeting tomorrow. After that it will just be us unless it Naruto we see on Friday, then it will be us spending time with him to see if we can get him to come home. 

Its not just me and the boys who have missed him, everyone has and just want him to come home where he belongs with his family and friends. I just hope we can if it is him, make him see life isn't the same without him beside us.

After putting the boys to bed I have a quick shower before going into the bedroom putting the songs on before going sleep for the night.


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Song list:
You'll be in my heart by Phil Collins 

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