Chapter 17

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Naruto POV

The last few week have gone by so fast maybe its because I'm so happy that I'm love by someone like Sasuke. I have got closer to my father and my little sister Mito doesn't want to leave me. I have also wrote song for each member of Night-star and we will be going into the studio to record them.

Each song I have try to make as close to each one as I could. I talk to each of them before we started writing, I don't know if it worked or not. So we will just have to wait till Sunday to see if they do or not.

The first one I wrote after Itachi was Shisui, then Sasuke, then Obito and the Madara. Shisui is about  Ayame from years ago when he was still in school and how he saw her crying and how hurt he was seeing her upset. As they are now going out I wrote it for now, not back then.

Obito is about the girl he has like for a long time but he is to shy to even talk to her she works at my dad record studio and he see her every time he is there.

Madara was hard as we don't really talk much but he told me how he doesn't have much luck with women as they seem to be scared of him for some reason maybe its because of his fame or that he just look scary most of the time.

The one I wrote for myself is about my friend and most of all Sasuke staying by my side if the world ever found out about me and my parentage.

My mum still doesn't know about me and I don't mind but I also know that one of those day, dad is going to have to tell her about me. I'm not looking forward to it but I know there will be no way round it. Dad spends most Sundays with me alone with Shizune and Mito we also talk on the phone when he can which isn't that often because of the twins taking up every free minutes he has.

Mum doesn't even spend time with Mito its like me all over again and I'm glad dad has realised this but only after he met me. Now when he gets home he goes up to her room and plays with her before going and having dinner with the rest, after that its twin time and they have even tried to take his time away from Mito.

They are so selfish thinking that they should be the only ones who should have their fathers time when he get home and mum doesn't help even. Telling him he should spend time with them as they don't see him much because of work. He returns by saying Mito is our daughter too maybe you should spend time with her as you have more time then I do. Lets just say she didn't like that at all and stopped talking to him for a week or so. I don't think they will be together much long or I could be wrong. 

Today is Sunday and I'm the first up so I start on the lunches for us all today, I'll have to ask Sasuke once he's up if his parent will be there today, I know my dad, Shizune and Mito will be. He also told me he would be there before our warm up as he wanted to be from the beginning, yet trying to get away from them is never easy. He said today he will leave before anyone woke up so he can be.

I soon feel two arms round me and he does what he has done from the beginning the love bite he gave me weeks ago is still there as he renews it every morning.

"Hey sexy your parents coming today."

"Yes babe they are, they want to be there before we start our warm up songs, but mostly before they sing their songs for the first times."

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