Chapter 32

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Naruto POV

The next few months seem to fly by and just before christmas we all get the biggest surprise we have ever had. Menma moved back here just over a month ago and is now living in his own flat that sasuke and I got him as a welcome home gift. I even help him decorate it as he didn't want to pay someone else to do a job that I could do better myself.

He has been getting to know his nieces and nephews who wasn't born when he left and getting to know Natsu again after being gone for twelve years. He has even started working for us as he didn't want to work for dad as he would soon be taking over the company once dad retires. 

First he wanted to learn about the business from us as we are much smaller then dads company is. So he thought it would be better learning it from us as we have more time then dad does. He has been doing really well so far, dad even said that he would still come in and help if it gets to much for him.

The surprise we got was mum and Naruko moving back here and we only find out when they came knocking on our door just a week before christmas. Sasuke let them in so we could hear what they wanted and why they were back here after so long. What mum said not only surprised me but it did sasuke too.

"Look Naruto I know you may hate me for how I was back then and how I treated you when I found out you were my son. For that I am so sorry and I was wondering if I could get to know you and my grand-children." (Ku)

"I never hated you at all, I loved you all even if you hated me and didn't want me. I still saw you as my family even after you left me behind to move into your new home I never once hated you or dad. Thats not the only thing you want though is it and because you know dad won't help you have come to me right." (N)

"No it isn't, the money Minato left behind is nearly gone and I know he won't help us get a job because of how I was before, so I was wondering if you could help me get one." (Ku)

"Yeah I can but it won't be working with us. So before the money was their anything you wanted to do before dad put the idea of starting you own company in your head." (N)

"Yeah I always enjoyed cooking and would have like to own my own cafe or bakery why." (Ku)

"Is it something you could get into again." (N)

"Yeah I think it could be something I could get into." (Ku)

"Right I know a place that could help you but you will have to be okay with taking orders from the owner. It is were I work for years and they are very nice people to work for, I could ring them for you after new years and ask." (N)

"You don't mean Ichiraku do you?" (S)

"Yeah sasuke I do, they are willing to help anyone who needs it, just as long as they are treated with respect for helping those who need it out." (N)

"Ichiraku, isn't that the raman place, I used to always eat there before your dad." (Ku)

"Yeah it is, I worked there from five years old, it was how I paid for food, school items, clothes and how I manage to get my bedsit, until I left before natsu was born." (N)

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