Chapter 13

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Naruto POV

I'm the first to wake up so I move Sasuke arms from around me trying not to wake him up as I do. I some how manage it without waking him, so I go and take a shower before going and starting on breakfast. Before its done I felt two arms go round me and a, 'Good morning baby did you sleep well.' Before he started kissing my neck and kept kissing it until he heard me go, 'Mmmm' knowing he had found that special spot so he keeps kissing, biting and sucking it until he is happy with what he has done.

A little out of breath because of what he has just done I reply, 'Yes sexy I did how about you.'

"Best sleep I've had since the last time I held you in my arms all night."

"Good breakfast is ready so you can shower now or after you eat."

"After we eat then we can go to the studio."

"Sure. Isn't it a little early to go yet."

He looks at the clock and sees that its only 8 am. As we don't normally go to the studio until about 10 am. 

"Your right baby. I didn't think it was that early."

He help set the table and I can't help looking at his sexy baby as he does it. (Picture below) I can't wait for the day I can run my hands all over that body. 'Stop Naruto, bad Naruto.' 

"Like want you see baby

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"Like want you see baby."

"You know I do or I wouldn't be looking."

"One day soon it will all be yours just as yours will be mine. Now let eat before we......."

"Before we........ what."

I run my tongue across my lips slowly knowing what I'm doing and moment later his lips are on mine, hungry and full of lust.

"Baby I don't think I can wait anymore I want you so badly right now."

"Me too fu*k Sasuke make me yours."


(Sexual screen ahead if don't like don't read)

Seconds later my legs are round his waist as he lift me up and put my back against the wall as his kisses ever part of my mouth. Clothes are removed as he rubs our members together. With one of his hand holding them both to get the friction we both need moving faster until we both cum hard.

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