Chapter 33

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Sasuke POV

I heard the front door slam thinking it was Naruko who had left because of what I said so I didn't rush down and finished helping menma put the children in their beds. I would pick them up while menma pulled the covers down so I could lay them down before covering them and kissing them all goodnight.

When we had finished we both when back downstairs and into the living room and once we were I saw Naruko was still here but naruto wasn't. It was only after menma said something to his mum that I saw the smile on Naruko face.

"What happen mama?"

"I shouldn't have come back here I should have stayed in the US then this wouldn't have happen."

"What the hell are you talking about, where naruto?"

"He left about fifteen/ twenty minutes ago. I hope he never comes back."

"What did you do to him naruko."

"I told him the truth, if it wasn't for him mum and dad would still be together, if it wasn't for him sasuke would be mine and those bastard of children would never had been born, and we would have children. Yet because of him I don't get to be with who I'm meant to be with, because of him I may never have children with who I'm meant to have they with. "

"You know what Naruko its not Naruto doing at all, its yours, mine and mums doing."

"What do you mean he left, I've gotta go I can't lose him again. I want you out of my house Naruko and I never want to see you again. If naruto has left me then its your doing for being a bitch and a whore. NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE."

As soon as I say that I call my mum and dad tell them to come round asap and bring the others with them as I need there help looking.   

"I'm sorry sasuke I should leave too as its my fault too. I just tried to explain why I changed and I mention about you being free to marry naruko and because I never told her that she took her angry out on naruto calling him names."

"You haven't done anything wrong, not this time."

"Yes I did and because of that he left."

"Naruko I don't want you in my home go find a hotel or go back to the US. I don't care were you go I don't want you anywhere near me again."

"I never wanted to come back here anyway, cause unlike you I like the US better then Japan. So I think I will go back there alone."

"Good now! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." 

With that she walks out of the house leaving the door open and moments later my family walk in and Kushina is crying on the sofa.

"What the hell happened?"

"Mum I need you and dad to watch the children while everyone else helps me look for naruto. Kushina you stay here too."

"No I should leave too, because if it wasn't for me coming back none of this would have happened."

"Mum stay, none of this is your doing, its hers."

"Yes it is, shes like this because of me, I made her believe she could get whatever or whoever she want."

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