Chapter 7

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.

You can play song whenever you like I just thought it what well will the chapter so I added it.


Minato POV

Its Tuesday afternoon and I got the DNA back this morning to see if Naruto is my son or not. I have no idea what I'm gonna do if he is.

I'm about to open it when Kushina came in with lunch, which she only does when she wants something. So I guess it will have to wait a bit longer before I found out if he is or not.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hey Minato. Can you get ticket for the twins they wanna see night-star in concert before the tour is over."

"Sure I should be able to get some will you be going with them or will it be just them."

"I'm going to, they are only 12 they are too young to be there on their own."

"Who looking after Mito then."

"The nanny who do you think."

"Oh I was just wondering thats all."

"Well you'll be still working when the concert starts so."

"Of course."

I don't think we spend much time with Mito like we did with the twin is it because they look like Kushina and Mito looks like me is that why we always have the nanny looking after her.

Menma: Red hair, violet eyes, pale skin and Kushina bone structure with her loud personality and not very smart.

Naruko: Red hair, violet eyes, pale skin and Kushina bone structure with her loud personality and not very smart.

Mito: Blonde hair, blue eyes, sun-kissed skin and my bone structure we don't know who's personality she has yet but I feel its mine.

If Naruto turns out to be our child too, then to me it looks like the ones that look like me are pushed a side while the ones who look like Kushina are showed love and affection. Is that how its been all along and I'm only thinking it now. If so I will have to start showing Mito love and affection so she doesn't end up like Naruto if he is ours.

When we finish lunch I tell Kushina to go to the studio and ask Deidara for the tickets so I can get back to work but not before looking at the DNA test.

I open it and pull the paper out and it reads.

Dear Minato Namikaze

The DNA of Uzumaki Naruto matches both you and Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze.

You are the father of Naruto Uzumaki.

How did this happen how could we forget that we have another child. Were we both that consumed with starting our business that we forgot about the child we had left at home with who ever it was.

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