Chapter 31

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Five years later

Five years have gone by since Naruto and the triplets come back home and eight months after that naruto gave bath to their six child who they called Kaname. He was born with Heterochromia one eye was blue while the other was dark brown nearly black, he also had black hair with blonde tips and highlights, with three whisker like make on each cheeks.

Their business was doing really well and with naruto back Night-star has brought a couple more albums out. They where both big hits and so they did a ten date tour for them too which sold out within days. The children stayed with sasuke parents while they toured so they could still go school on those day they were out of the country.

Everything was going well for everyone Itachi, Madara, Obito and Shisui are now all married with family's of their own. While Minato is still single, Mito is dating someone who goes to her school, she also want to become a singer like her big brother. Menma still writes to his dad and he will be moving back to Japan now that he has the money to do so, as he and Naruko are now 29 years old. 

He told dad that he has been saving up for years so he could come back home, as he never wanted to move to the US to begin with. He moved because he wasn't old enough to live alone and mum wouldn't let him stay there with his dad. So she made him go with her and Naruko, yet he has never liked it there so as soon as he started working he started saving his money so he could.

Yet deep inside Naruto knows something is going to happen soon he just doesn't know what it will be. All he knows is that it will change how everything is going weather it be good or bad.


Sasuke POV

Even after being home a while I could tell naruto still believe everything he said that day and would keep believing it no matter what we told him, its like he is waiting on something he just doesn't know what. That night when he told me about the baby I know that it was a new start for us both and this baby is the start of that.

When the doctors told us he was a Heterochromia we didn't care all we know is that we loved him no matter what. It was only on the first day of school that he understood just how different he was from other children his age. When naruto pick him up that day he was crying because the children picked on him for his different coloured eyes and hair.

We told him he was perfect just the way he was and because they didn't understand about why he was that way. After this had gone on for a few week Naruto went into the school and explained it to the children in his class, after that it stop because they now understood why. He also made some friends too, who stick up for him if someone calls him names.

He also shares a room with natsu, who told us that after Kaname was old enough to have his own room he would share with him, as it isn't fair to put him in with Kaidan and Drake and him still having a room on his own. So when he started sleep through the night we moved him into natsu room, when he was old enough for a bed we brought another bunk bed for them.

That way we didn't have to move house, even with only planing to have three/four children we ended up with six. I couldn't be happier about that each one is loved so much by us both. Yes we may have been apart for five years and didn't know about the triplets but now we are back to being a family again. Just like we should have been from the start.

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