Chapter 28

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Naruto POV

At ten am today myself and some other artist will be meeting the owner of a overseas record company who is looking for stars from Australia. When I was first told this I thought it was maybe my dad or sasuke looking for me, but now with the other artist are also going to be there I don't know any more. If it is one of them I have no idea what I will do but I just hope they don't know its me.

I have picked up the Australian speech so I no longer sound like I once did so maybe they won't know its me. I hope so as I think seeing them will break me apart again, just like I was after I left him and our children behind. I guess I will find out in a bit who it is when the meeting begins.

After dropping the triplets of at school I go into the studio and record one of my new song before the meeting starts. After I'm finish I make my way to the conference room and take a seat to wait for it to begin.

Not long after many artist and groups come in and sit down to wait also. Just before ten my manager walks in and informs us that they should be here in a few minute. I hide at the very back just in case its my father or sasuke.

Not long after there's a knock on the door and my manager Alex tells them to come in. First to enter are two children followed by Sasuke, he kneel in front of them and I just make our what he says, 'go play in that corner over there I shouldn't be to long, so be good alright.'

"Yes daddy, dad."

Just seeing them hurts, knowing I've missed five years of them growing up. Just like sasuke has missed out on the triplets too, who turn five in a couple of months.

"Hello everyone, thanks for coming to this meeting today. Our guest here today is Sasuke Uchiha from Uchimaki Inc in Japan. He is looking for artist and groups for the company that he and his husband started seven years ago. He is also a member of the group Night-star who is famous in most country round the world but here. So for those females here who are eyeing him up he is already taken.

"Man why are all the good looking ones gay it so unfair for us woman."

"Sorry lady, I love my husband and I have from the moment I first saw him all those years ago."

"Why isn't he here with you?"

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to answer that."

"Can you show us some of your songs please."

"Sure, some of them are a little old as Night-star hasn't brought many songs out over the last few years, as I along with my husband have been building our recording studio. That is why I'm here today to find new artist or old who would like to sign up with us."

The videos he puts on are the ones after I joined Night-star with just a couple of voice tracks that they have brought out over the last few years, which isn't many at all. 

I keep looking at our sons who are playing in one of the corners together until Kaidan get up and wonders to the back of the room were I am. Not long after Natsu get up to so he can get his brother.

"Kaidan what did dad say?"

"Sorry Natsu but me need the little boy room for pee-pee."

"Okay let me just tell dad alright."

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