Chapter 23

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I don't own Naruto that alone belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the songs and picture don't belong to me, the only thing that belongs to me is the story nothing else.

I didn't write any of the song I use in any of the chapters those right belong to those who did write them I'm just using them as this is a book based music and song writing and those are the song I picked to use. So enjoy the songs and the story line.


Sasuke POV

Naruto is due any day now with our first child and I can't wait, I think I know its going to be a boy from that dream I had all those months ago. I also told Naruto about it and what we named him in that dream which was Natsu Uchiha.
We also moved into a new house which is a five bedroom house and the kitchen is just like the one that was in my dream, when I said this naruto turn round and said, 'Well I guess this is our new home then.'

We have got the nursery ready and finished it just yesterday so its ready for our child. We will be making one of the rooms into a guest room and the other ones will be the children's room if we have anymore which I hope we do just not yet, we want about five years between each one and as we have 3 extra bedrooms we would like 3 children unless we are blessed with twins, for our second or third child.

At the moment naruto is taking a nap because he isn't sleeping to well right now because the baby moves round mostly at night. As today is my day off from collage I'm here with him the other days its my mum or Shizune just in case he goes into labour. I have tried to keep the car full so we can get to the hospital alright and his bag is waiting, as my mum help put it together, ready for when the time comes. 

We know he will need a C-section as he can't give birth like normal. His dad has also been helping out when he can so has menma who is looking forward to being an uncle. He has also told me how life at home is and sometimes he cry's because of it.
At the moment he talks to me more then he does Naruto because of the baby as he doesn't want to stress him to much being this close to given birth. He comes round most Saturdays for a few hours while his dad is out getting food for over the weekend and the next week.

Our new house isn't far from his dads pent-house and so before doing the shopping if menma doesn't feel like going he drops him here until he has done what he needs to before picking him back up.

"Sasuke can I talk to you please." (Me)

"Sure just give me a minute while I get us a drink." (S)


"What you need to talk about you know I'll help if I can but Naruto is always been better at this then me." (S)

"I know but as he is so close to having the baby I don't want to stress him out with my problems." (Me)

"You know you brother don't see them as a problem and he will always be there for you when you need him to be." (S)

"I know he will, I don't want anything to happen to him or the baby because he got stress out over me." (Me)

"Your brother loves you and has loved you from the moment you were born." (S)

"I know he does and I love him just as much." (Me)

"What is troubling you right now." (S)

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