chapter 5

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Karen woke up early in the next day, she thought of something  to get last night's  event in her head.
She went and had a shower then put on jeans and a t-shirt  and went to have breakfast.
Matt followed her happily and she patted his fur with a smile., 'Good boy, good boy Matt'.
She smiled and went for breakfast, after breakfast one of his men who she knew by name was Mikhail told her that her husband wanted to see her in his study.
She took a deep breath and went to his study where he was standing near the window looking outside.

He was in a black t-shirt and black jeans with boots, her back facing  her.
Like a person waiting for her death sentence, she stood in front of his table and waited for the judge  to finally say it.
He didn't turn but said something  at last.
Karen closed her eyes and  sat, what does he want now, she was so tired  of arguing and wanted nothing to do with him after the way he treated her last night.
Like a whore, maybe she deserves that name after all, if he thinks she will let him touch her again well he can think twice.
Memories of their wild mornings, nights  amd sometimes  days flooded her mind when she looked at the table.
It had a lot of memories, memories she's not supposed to remember, she will have to remember  to forget them.

He finally turned and she took in a sharp breath, he had a bruised cheek near his jaw, she looked at his knuckles which were red, had he gone to one of his mafia duties over the night?.
She shook her head mentally, how is it her business?.
Because he is your husband.
She swallowed hard when he went to sit where she was on the table, her eyes watered is he going to hit her now?.
His hand went to her neck and she flinched away, just the thought of his hands on he's wanted her to vomit.
'Stay still', his deep voice roared but she noticed that he wasn't angry, he was what?.
His knuckles brushed her neck where the make-up failed to hide the huge love bite, it wasn't a love bite to her  at all,  it was a bite, he had done it out of anger and not pleasure.

A tear rolled her cheek when he kisses it, she looked at him and whispered, 'Why..?'.
He wipped off her tears with his thumbs showing no hint of emotion,
'I should've  been gentle last night, I'm sorry I wasn't'.
Karen wanted to hug him tight and tell him it's  okay, she also wanted to laugh at his statement because she knew he'd  done it  on purpose to punish her for cheating when she doesn't even  know the color of cheating.
She looked at her fingers and said nothing, what should  she say?.
He raised up her chin, 'Say something  Karina'.
She stood up amd looked at him, he looked vulnerable but arrogant too.
'I've never cheated on you Ian, never even thought of it'.
He nodded 'Thank  you'.
She laughed, that's all he has to say for all the misery she's  caused her?, he cheated on her when their marriage was only 2 months old!.
'I take it you find me funny'.
Karen shook her head, 'I didn't do it for you Ian, I did it for me!'.
He folded his arms, muscles bulging at his chest and she had to look away, 'Either way, I'm glad you take our vows so seriously'.
Karen sighed, 'As I should right?, while you can go from one woman to another!'.

He atood up and went near her, she took a step back, 'Don't come near me Ian, please'.
He raised an eyebrow  at her, 'Was that a threat?'.
'No, a warning ', she held the table lamp at him, will it hit him and hurt him as she expects?.
He shook his head and raised his hand in a mock surrender 'Fine', he went and sat on his chair then pulled his drawer and took a cigarette but looked at her before he  lit it, he cursed and threw it away then missed his hair.

'What do you want me to do?, say I'm sorry?, give you flowers and chocolate and-'.
'Neither, why did you cheat on me Ian, was I not enough?, I did everything  for you even when I was so tired!, even when you kept me up till morning!!', she yelled at him, her chest going up and down.
She shook her head, 'So tell me Ian, did you enjoy their services?, am I of any match to them?'.
He shook his head, 'Stop this madness Karina!!'.
She shook her head, 'Two months Ian, we were only married for two months couldn't you wait a little longer?'.
'Shut up!, you don't know anything!!', he yelled standing now.
Karen shivered and shook her head in tears,
'Fine, do what you want, I'll be that good wife you want, always waiting  for you at night!'.
He took a deep breath, 'Get out of here, now!'.
Karen went away angrily and banged the door.

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