Chapter 12

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Karen was one happy woman, she had everything care, kisses, hug and sex a very good one and lots of it.
She was in the library, it's  been long since she entered here, she was bored and wanted something to cheer her up.
She went and passed a shelf of romantic novels and smiled, he had good taste, he sat down and saw some good books like After the Night, she smiled and put it back, she'd  read it million times.
She went to one of the drawers and found a gun, nothing new, she closed it and opened another one, in it there was a photo album, it looked old.
She took it and sat and decided to look at the photos, they were old ones.
Ian was just a small baby of maybe 3 months and was carried by Ivanov she knew him because he was a copy of the recent Ian, he was so tiny.
She went further and found some places with no photos, why?, she looked again and found Ian and his dad only and a woman who had black hair and a beautiful smile, who's she?.
She shook her head and went further to when Ian was around 3, his mom appeared to the photos carrying him looking so happy, Ian was happy too.
She smiled at one of the photos which showed Ian on his mom's laps having chocolate all over his face.

She went on to when he was around 7 or more and  the smile that he had when he was younger was gone, he looked strange, maybe sad or disappointed she couldn't understand.
He was in his father's office with him but his mom was missing in many of the photos, she went on till her face came along, it was when he was 10, and finally Kosta appeared and like he always claims, he's a mama's  boy unlike Ian who spent a lot of time with his dad.
She closed the album and sighed, why are there photos missing?, like they were removed?, and why isn't Ian so into his mom?.
She shook her head and closed the album and went to return it, she opened the drawer again and saw a diary, it looked old too, she looked at it, too bad it was locked, she returned it and closed the drawer.
She went out got fresh air and a lot was going on her mind, why is Ian so mad with her getting close to his mom, did something happen between them?, the last time they'd  visited he didn't talk at all except hum in response or nod his dark chocolate head.
Okay he's  a private person but even to his family?, she went and sat on the swings, he's  an enigma, why does he lose control when he's mad?, she wished someone could answer her all those questions but who?, he doesn't even want to talk about it.
She took a deep breath and hoped that he'd  open up one day for her of course, it seems like she married a man she didn't know and that's dangerous.

When evening came, she sat on the bed with a book she'd picked up after lunch, it was good.
The door was opened revealing a smiling Ian, she smiled back.
He went to her and bent to kiss her then groaned 'Not that book again!!'.
She chuckled, 'Hello to you too!'.
He loosened his tie and threw it away then dropped himself on the huge bed his head to her laps.
He grinned, 'What?'.
'I hate it when you do that!', she pushed him and went to pick up the tie then put it behind a chair.
He sat on the huge bed and cocked his head 'Okay, now come here'.
She shook her head, 'How was your day?'.
'Won't tell you till you come here prelcrasnyy'.
Karen rolled her eyes, and went to sit and he immediately dropped his head to her laps and starred at her.
'It was great my dear wife'.
She blushed, he surely knows his ways with words, she stroked his hair and chin.
'You need a shave'.
He grinned wider, 'Why don't you do it'.
'Do you want me to be charged of murder?'.
He laughed, 'Maybe..'.

She shook her head, he's  in a good mood today.
'Okay shoot!'.
He looked at her and smiled shortly then closed his eyes, 'Am I getting that shave or not?'.
'I'm letting you have a baboon's hair', she laughed when that reminded her of her crazy twin uncles, she's  missed them so much, her smile faded when she realized she might never see them for a long time, she remembered her childhood with them, it was only for five years but those five years were priceless and she'll remember then forever until the day  that  She dies.
'Hey, what's  wrong?'.
She shook her head and faked a smile,
'Did I say something bad?'.
'No, just...I remembered someone'.
He sat on the bed and looked at her,
'Someone I know?'.
She smiled, 'My uncle Pierre'.
He pulled her in a hug and kissed her hair, 'Oh baby'.
She fought back the tears, being with Ian means no family and she loves him that much, she'll do anything  for him even sacrificing her own happiness for him.
'I know how important they are to you baby, I'm sure they're  fine sweetheart'.
She nodded and hugged him tight, she hoped they are, one day she'll have to ask him to call them but that will mean trouble, her dad will know everything in a speed of light.
It's  better this way, it's  all for the best.

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