Chapter 19

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A WEEK LATER, Karen was back in her happy bubble, she was working in the garden happily, picking some fruits and herbs for her cookings.
She was a happy woman, Ian  made her whole and complete, she went to the kitchen and made the list of all the things she wanted, Aaliya who took care of all the groceries smiled at her and took her list then went outside where, Thomas one of Ian's  men drove her to the supermarket.
After shopping everything the house needed, she went outside and got in the car, they travelled for a while until he got a phone call from his boss.
'We're  exchanging cars, boss will take you home, I've  been assigned somewhere else'.
'Okay, just hurry okay?, I need to cook'.
He smiled, 'Yes miss'.
She rolled her eyes and looked at the window.
Ian was done with work so early, the bastards were already dead and buried and were an ancient history, he'd just made a deal with one of his friends from Turkey and promises to join forces in arms purchasing, he was so tired  and wanted to just go home and rest.
He got out of his car and went to the car Thomas was driving, he has assigned him to accompany Koslov in taking care  of some matters and that's why he chose to drive the groceries car.
Yes, he has a car just for that matter.

He went and took the keys then started the car and drove back home, he looked at the maid who was as nervous around him as ever, he smiled, some things better remain like that.
He missed his baby so much, he wondered what she might be doing in the house right now, he frowned when he felt his jeans tightening, this can't be happening!.
He groaned mentally, that woman will kill her one day, she'll  have to understand that they need to reduce their love making for the baby, he'll  tell her today, she'll  becoming insatiable.
He pulled in the drive way and his phone rang, what does Kostantine want this time?.
'Just ask any of the men to help you take out the bags'.
'Yes sir'.
He picked up and listened to his baby brother, he didn't know if  he's ever going to understand  this replica of Linda Vasiliev.
'Hey bro'.
He rolled his eyes and came out of the car, he's forgotten to open the boot, shit.
He listened to him babbling about why he hasn't visited them, he opened the boot and stood beside the car as his men and Aaliya unpacked the stuffs.

He folded his one arm and listened to him, this drama never ends, he sighed in frustration, 'I'll visit you this weekend, you should not come to my house, I mean it Kostantine'.
He paused when he saw one of the grocery bags falling down, he  looked at the contents, some pads, he looked at Aaliya whose face was flushed in embarrassment.
'I...sorry sir...I'.
'Take them inside Aaliya', he shook his head, why is she even using his money to buy her personal stuffs?, he sighed and smiled, women!, it has to be his wife's  doings, she likes that girl a lot.
'Yes I'll come this weekend okay?, tell dad that I will', he hanged up and went to his study to finish some paperwork and went to his room and found her at the balcony having a drink.
'How is my baby doing?'.
'I'm okay'.
'I meant the baby baby', he teased her and she rolled her eyes  at him.
She looked at him and handed him her glass of juice, he took it and drank it all.
'I'm hungry'.
'Okay lunch is ready, that is if you're hungry for food'.
He shook his head, 'This pregnant you is becoming hard to please'.
She shrugged and smiled shortly at him, 'What's on your mind?'.
'I thought of getting you an ultrasound'.
She frowned, an ultrasound?, why?, she doesn't want to know the baby's  gender, at least not now.
'I....Ian, I think it's  best if we wait for the surprise'.
He looked at her and  stroked her hair then smiled, 'Whatever  you want babe, I don't care if it's  a boy or a girl, so long as you're the mom'.
She swallowed hard and nodded at him, 'So lunch?'.

In the evening, he finished his work and went to his room, she was asleep already, he sighed and went to the shower.
It had been a long day, he turned  in the water and let it cool his  muscles and mind, he took the shower get bottle and cursed when he found it empty.
He turned off the water and went to his drawer but found no extra bottle, he then tried  Karen's drawer and found it locked, he sighed, what will he use?.
He looked for a key in her nightstand and found none, he took a deep breath, now why did a he have to lock the drawer?.
He went  to his drawer and took a spear key then opened a safe which had all her cosmetics and shower gels, he found a new one and sighed in relief, he closed it and went for a shower, then went to bed and spooned her to sleep.

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