Chapter 30

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Karen didn't know how Naz had got to her so fast, she found herself hugging him tight as the pain increased down her stomach, she gripped his shirt tight nearly tearing the soft material.
'Amore?, Karen?, are you..... amore?'.
She held him tight and screamed, she shook her head as he went in asking her questions, he helped her sit on the chair and mussed  his hair and held her red face, 'Amore?, talk to me please, where does it hurt?'.
She shook her head and screamed, he swallowed hard, nothing hurts him than seeing her in any kind of pain.
'So...stay here okay, I'll  just, I'll  go and get the doctor amore'.
He kissed  her forehead and turned took two steps and went back, tears were threatening to fall, he went back to her and kissedher forehead again, he held her face.
'I'm coming okay?, please I....hang in there  you're  strong amore', he tucked back  a strand of her hair behind her left ear and turned to the door.
He reached the door running but stopped when he heard a laughter, her laughter, Karen's laughter.

He turned back and saw her laughing her ass out, her left hand on her huge stomach, her eyes teary from laughing and her eyes happy.
'Oh Naz I wish I had had it recorded'.
He took a deep breath and looked at her, did she just play with him?.
'It's really not funny Karen'.
She laughed some more and looked at her best friend, the poor man had gone nuts, he was more than going crazy and that was her payback  for  giving her a cold shoulder.
She opened her arms at him of which he ignored and went to stand in front of her, she pouted  at him.
'Oh come on!'.
'Why?, why Karen?'.
She smiled, 'Because you acted like a dick  earlier'.
'Maybe because I already have one'.
She blushed, 'You shouldn't have acted like that, he was just a client'.
'He wanted you!'.
'You want me too', she said with sad eyes, he looked at her and she immediately regretted her choice of words, she damn well knows that what he wants from her is more than sex.
He went and held her hands then helped her stand up, he looked deep in her beautiful hazel eyes, the eyes he dreams of every night and thinks of everyday, she just doesn't know how much he loves her does she?.
He wrapped his hands around her waist, 'I don't want you, I need you, all of you, you are like a full package and I want all of it, I'm that selfish amore, there's  no cure to my disease but you, I got mad because I love you and yes I was jealous still am and maybe that will never change, you know why?'.
She shook her head as tears threatened to fall, his thumbs wipped offher tears, 'Is crying the only thing I make you do?'.
She chuckled and shook her head, he has got his way with the words that makes her break down.
'I love you amore, so much', he kissed her forehead then her cheek and looked at her wet lips from the tears, he looked at her as if asking for permission, when she didn't do anything he bent and glued his lips on hers, they didn't do anything, just cherished the feeling of their lips together, he moved first and sucked her lower lip.
'Miss Moretti'.
They broke apart and she heard him curse lowly, she cleared her throat and looked at her bodyguard, he was holding a phone.
'Your father is on the line, he wants to make sure you're fine'.
She looked at the phone then Naz, news travel so fast, she took the phone and went aside to prove to her daddy that that was just a show.

She went back minutes later and didn't find Naz, okay at least that's good for now, she nearly kissed the man, okay they kissed.
What confused her is that, she didn't have regrets this time, it is as if Ian is finally dead to her, she shook her head, she's married for God's sake!.

She went home later that day and opened her drawer, the last ultrasound images were in her hands, she looked at the photos and smiled, she touched her stomach and looked at the mirror.
'I'll  give you a father if I have to baby, you won't lack a thing'
She returned the photos and looked further, there were photos of her childhood back in Capetown, she looked at the old her and smiled, those were the days, she held her tummy and sat on her bed to look at some more photos and took a sharp breath when she saw baby her and Ian, they were so happy.
She'd  been dumb not to read the signs, when they were little, he used to smile less, Ivanov had joked several times that he'd  started opening up to people when she came into his life but she never understood, she returned back the photos and laid on her back starring at the ceiling till sleep finally took over her.

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