Chapter 25

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So double updates yaay!
I'm so very happy for all the reads and votes plus shares.
You guys are amazing, I never thought it'd  reach this far.
Special thanks to all who dedicate their time in this story, I'm thinking of writing a new one I'll upload  it soon.
Oh and I'm glad for the comments on the cover.

She went back home and closed herself in her room, she didn't realize she was crying till she felt her cheeks wet.
She took off her heels and went to the sink, she washed her face and took a deep breath, tears rolled down her cheeks, why is she even  crying?.
She wiped off her tears and looked at herself, the two months she've  spent in Venice have been heaven, she'd  gone back to her old self, the Karen Moretti and she wants this to last.
What has happened to her and Naz shouldn't have, she's  married and she  takes her vows very seriously.
But he cheated remember?.
She took a deep breath, yes he did but it won't stop hurting if she  cheats back in him, it is not fair to her or to Naz, he's a good man and doesn't deserve to be used.

She took off her t-shirt  and looked at her body, she'd  gained weight, she smiled it's  good to be home, she better starts the diet soon or things will get worse.
She then went for a shower, in the evening she prepared her milkshake and sat in the garden watching the stars or rather thinking about Naz, he'd  called her numerous times since she left his house and she wasn't  ready to talk to him yet.
She sighed when her phone started ringing again.
'Does that thing ever stops ringing?'.
She looked at her stubborn sister and rolled her eyes, 'Not now Angelina!'.
She sighed, 'Whatever Gabriella'.
Karen sighed 'What do you want?'.
She smiled nervously at her and Karen frowned  in worry, something must be up, she's  never nervous.
'Angela what did you do this time?'.
She laughed, 'Relaax, I'm  actually here for a girl talk'.
'Are you pregnant?'.
'Do I look like I want daddy to kill me?'.
'At least tell me you're  still a virgin'.
She smiled, 'Of course I am, I know how to close my legs okay!'.
She sighed in relief, 'Then what?'.
'How do you know you like someone?'.
Karen smiled, 'How do you know you like mom?'.

She rolled her eyes,
'I mean like like someone, the kind of stuff you had with that monster'.
She looked down and her sister apologized, 'Sorry I-'.
'No, it's fine, are you in love Angela?'.
'Me?, oh no sis not me it's Faith okay?, and you can't tell anyone, not even the crazy twins'.
She shook her head, 'I don't know what to tell you, isn't she too young?'.
'She's fifteen hello?'.
'Fifteen isn't fifty'.
'So tell me how?'.
'Well you think about the person a lot'.
'Like all the time?'.
'I didn't say that did I?'.
'Si' .
'Angela, i can't tell you much about that because I don't know if what I tell you will help her, look at me, I thought I had it all but-', she covered her mouth.
She stood up and ran to the toilet which was outside and emptied all the contents of her stomach.
She went back and found Angela looking so worried, 'Sis you okay?'.
She sighed and nodded,
'Naz and I caught a bug when we  went for dinner last weekend'.
Angela smirked, 'Naz huh?'.
'And don't you dare open that big mouth of yours!'.
She laughed out loud, 'Is he hot?'.
Karen wanted to vomit again, what does she know about hot guys?.
'Define hot'.
'Let me see, Kenny, Kev, oh and Steph without forgetting daddy'.
Karen laughed out loud, dear Lord, if all that is true then her sister is a good girl.
'Oh did I say Dwayne Johnson and TJ?'.
Oh maybe not.
She chuckled and stood up, 'Bye!!'.
Karen smiled and had some of her milkshake, oh Angela!.

The next  day was a beautiful sunny day, she woke up and went for a run then came back, she hadn't heard from the agency and was getting worried, why won't they reply?.
She took a shower and then came out and decided to leave her hair in its natural curls..
She looked looked at her phone which was ringing again and sighed then decided to pick up when she saw it was an unknown number.
She paused when the possibility of the caller being Ian flashed her mind, what if it's  him?.
She put the phone on her ear with trembling hands  and waited for the caller to start talking.
She sighed in relief, it's  just Naz thank God!.
'Yes, I'm here Ignazio'.
She heard him take a deep breath, a painful one, only she called him Naz and when she called him by his full name then it meant trouble.
'I'm sorry amore, please don't get mad at me anymore, I'll keep my distance from now on'.
She took a deep breath, he's  apologizing and that's worse, she mussed her long hair and sighed.
'Let's just pretend nothing happened, please Naz, I don't want us to complicate stuffs, I'm married Naz, it's  not fair to me or to you'.
'I understand, I'm truly sorry, I just wasn't in my right mind and-'.
'How are you today?'.
She felt his smile, 'Better, I'm in my office taking coffee  now'.
'All thanks to me'.
He laughed, 'I give you the credit, so why don't you come and see where your office will be'.
Her eyes lit  like she's  just won a lottery, 'Today!!!?'.
'What about now?'.
She screamed in joy, 'Give me some minutes!!'.
He chuckled, 'Okay, hurry up!'.

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