Chapter 29

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Two months later Karen was more than pregnant, she was now in a long dress white in colour with a grey cardigan on top and flats, she was tired but couldn't back down, her office was full of people both customers and her assistants, she tucked back her hair and looked at her accomplishments.
In just two months her small frame had evolved back to life, she smiled and looked around, everything was perfect.
'How is my amore doing?'.
She turned back and looked at him, he was as handsome as ever.
'Not bad'.
He smiled and hugged her, 'Are you over working yourself again?'.
She pulled out of the hug and swatted his chest playfully, 'Spare me the lecture'.
He laughed and put her lunch on the table, 'You need to rest amore, at least for my godchild'.
She sighed and took the lunch box and pouted  when she saw some burger.
He shrugged, 'You need to stop eating pork amore, remember what the doctor said'.
She rolled her eyes, the doctor had told her to reduce eating pork because "she won't be able to push".
She put away the food and folded her arms, he always does that to her, she should've sent her driver instead.
He held her arms and smiled at her, he has been doing this for as long as she can remember, he's  so cute when he does that.
'Whatever, are you done with work?'.
He nodded, 'Leave Leila to close, we should go home'.
She nodded and took her purse then left with him to his house, yes they always do this whenever he's  done with work.
How she got her father to agree is still a mystery, poor Naz visits their home once in a while for dinner and her father and brothers are still hostile but keeping their distance.

They reached there and she went directly to bed, his bed I see you're  blushing yes it's nothing new, she put on his shirt and went to bed while he went to cook for her.
She woke up some hours later with an urge to pee, this always happens, she finished and decided to go to the dinning, she found Benito playing video games.
'Hey sis'.
She smiled and hi fived him then sat beside him and ruffled his hair which made him groan.
'Knock it off!'.
She laughed, 'How was school?'.
'Good, mom'.
She smiled and shook her head, their mother was long gone, he lived with his father and thought it was nice to come to his brother's  house every now and then.
They played video games till chef Naz came and mussed her hair,
'Lunch is ready'.
Benito got up and rushed to the table, he held both her hands and helped her stand, she smiled at him and he just shook his head, he wrapped his hand around her now enlarging waist and went to sit.
They had a wonderful lunch with Benito blabbing over his day at school and how excited he is for the match on Friday, sh just listened  and ate then had some more and wanted more.
She looked at the empty bowl and sighed, she looked at them and found  them starring at her.
He just shook his head while Benito smirked at her, 'She's  the one bro', he stood up and left.
Naz sighed and went to add more food, and she was more than glad.

She ate icecream while he was doing the dishes, he looked so handsome with his sleeves rolled up, she took some more into her mouth and sighed.
'What's  wrong?', he asked wiping his hands with a napkin, she put away the ice cream and looked at the man who'd  offered to give her baby a father, a normal father.
He went  to her and leaned on the table with hands on both sides, he went down till their eyes met.
He shook his head and looked away brushing his rough cheek against hers, she took a deep shaky breath, they'd  talked about this, to keep the distance.
'I....I'm  sorry, I just-'.
'It's  okay Naz,'s  fine'.
He smiled and looked at her pink lips and swallowed hard, 'Can I carry you?'.
She shook her head and smiled, no way, 'No, please'.
He stood up straight and nodded,
'Okay, let's  go to the room then?'.
She stood up and screamed when his strong hands wrapped around the back of her knees and lifted her up high, she giggled in his chest, he smelled so good, mixed with spices he'd  mixed in the food he'd  just cooked.
'You smell like meat'.
'You want my meat?'.
She blushed hard and hid  her flaming face in the crook of his neck as his whole chest shook with laughter.

They were now in bed, she was laying on his chest as he stroked her curly hair, it had grown so long, she loved him that was no secret but how much she didn't know.
Ignazio  looked at the beauty in his arms, she was and forever will be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he kissed  her hair then nose and hesitated when he looked at her lips, full and begging, a lot of things went inside his mind, if he kisses her now she'll never know but it won't be fair, he'd  made a promise.
He tucked a pillow to her head and left to the sitting room for a fresh air, he looked around and saw his brother watching Tv.
'Is she asleep?'.
He nodded and sat next to him, he looked at his brother who looked exactly like their late mother, sometimes it was even hard to look at him twice because he is everything  their mother was, including the hair.
'You like her right?'.
How many times is he going to answer that stupid question?, even a blind can see how his heart is bleeding and yearning for her love and attention.
'I know  you do'.
'Then why did you ask?'.
'To torture you of course  you never answer me that question'.
'Maybe I just don't want to answer that question?'.
He smiled, 'I like her okay?'.
'Because she likes  you', which was so true, he'd  brought women before a lot of them but his hopeless brother had always made their life a living hell before he told them to put on their knickers and leave in the mornings.
'No, she's  special, I can see it in you'.
'Whatever!, you done with your homework?'.
He rolled his eyes at him and went upstairs to his room, Naz took that moment of privacy to just lay on the couch and think about his fucked up love life.

Karen was taken back home later that evening, she went to her bathroom and looked at her now big stomach, she hadn't  started to feel the movements or the kicks as other women refer them but she was so excited already.
She'd  turn 6 months in few weeks  to come, she patted her tummy and smiled, she'll  be a mother soon, and she couldn't wait for the moment, what if she has twins?, she chuckled that will be the best moment of her life, she went to shower and thought about her next ultrasound, she'd  be going to see for herself how big the baby has grown and the gender.
After the shower she sat and ate her fruits, she was glad for the support her family had given her, it was too much love, excess love and that was what she needed.

The next day was just normal, she'd  received an order from a client in Rome and was now waiting for him.
She was surprised to see a young man maybe just 8 years older than her and he was very attractive.
'Good morning'.
He smiled, 'Hello', he put his hands in his pockets and looked around, she went behind him and was hoping for a good comment, she'd  spent days designing the entire place, they went round the place and came to a stop at a certain photo.
He turned to her, 'This is very beautiful Karen Gabriella'.
She tried not to scold him for calling her Gabriella, he looked at her and chuckled.
'I take it you don't  like the name?'.
She nodded and he smiled,
'Okay, I'm so happy to see all the designs in here, you're  so talented'.
'Thank you'.
He touched the portrait and smiled,
'I'd  like this design in my new house, when can it be done?'.
'Whenever you are ready, I can send you my own people or recommend you to the best'.
'Hmm, I'd prefer to use your people'.
She smiled, 'Great!'.
They  went to her table and signed some papers then shook hands, she escorted him outside and he looked at her, 'I've  never seen any pregnant woman as beautiful as you'.
She blushed, 'I...grazie'.
He shook his head, 'Sorry, I didn't quite catch that'.
'Aren't  you Italian?'.
He shook his head, 'My mother is half Italian, I'm Spanish'.
'Gracias segnor'.
He laughed out loud and shook her hand, 'Adios segnora', he told  her looking at her swollen tummy.
'It's  segnorina'.
He smiled, 'What a shame, he must be a fool'.
'All men are'.
He cocked an eyebrow at her and she laughed, 'Except my clients'.
He smiled at her and gave her his business card, she looked at it then her, 'I..'.
They all turned and looked at Naz who was carrying lunch, the Spanish guy smiled and put the card back in his breast pocket, 'Adios', he entered in his car and left.
She looked at him and frowned, okay why is he mad?.
'I brought you lunch', he told her and went inside, she shook her head, what's there to feel jealous about?.

They had a silent lunch and she wanted to laugh at his stupid reaction, she'd tried to talk to him several times but he had just shook his head or nodded in whatever she asked, it was getting irritating.
'Naz?, is there something wrong?'.
He looked at her and continued eating she sighed in frustration, the man can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
She stood up and at the same time her spoon fell, she cursed and cursed gas when she realised that she'd cursed and wasn't supposed to, her mom had told her that the baby actually hears her words and maybe that's why her father curses too much.
She bent to pick up the spoon but screamed when pain shot her lower abdomen.

So, don't hate me...
Till next time.
I miss you guys so much, all of you crazy people.

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