Chapter 18

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Cliffhangers sucks, I know😂😂😂
Again thank you for 291reads.
I'll never stop saying this, guess you should put up with me.
Anyway for all those who are team Ian, this chapter is for you.
Have a happy reading fellas.

Pain, all over her body, she felt so heavy and tired like something hard had hit her head.
She tried to move her legs but failed, have they raped her already?, her hand went to her thighs and found her dress still on, that's better.
She groaned in pain as her head pounded hard, she sighed and rolled to the other side of the cold rough floor, where is she?.
'Karina!!!, Karina!!!!'.
Her Ian has come for her!.
'Karina!!, baby!', he sounded desperate, 'She's still here Koslov, the signal shows that she's still here!'.
She smiled with tears in her face, she tried to call him but her voice wasn't loud enough, her throat throbbed when she even tried to.
'I..a....n...I'm h...e....ere', she whisper yelled but they couldn't hear her.
'Yes!, I've seen it!, it shows in that room'.
The door was suddenly yanked open by her husband, he was in full black, he looked-.
'Oh dear Lord baby!', he rushed to her and kisses her forehead then wiped her tears away.
' came for m..e'.
He shook his head with a devilish smile and stroked her hair,
'I'm your slave baby, I'll always come back to my master'.
She sobbed and leaned to his touch, his comforting touch, it felt so real as if it's true.
Is it true.
She raised her head and hissed when her swollen cheek came into contact with the fabric of his pants.
' you're not dreaming my love, I'm here with you and I'm going nowhere'.

She smiled sadly and broke down into a sob, he's come for her, he has!.
He hugged her tight his whole body shaking with what?, anger?, tears?, she couldn't understand.
'I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't have-, my God how could I be do careless?'.
She shook her head, it wasn't his fault, he didn't know they were coming.
She looked at his sad face and tears rolled down her cheeks to his palms, he took a sharp painful breath.
'Did they-'.
'Karina are you-'.
'I swear, nothing just-', she remembered the kiss and swallowed hard.
'What did he do?!!'.
She shook her head, this is not a place for all this drama.
'Nothing Ian, I-'.
He laughed darkly and looked at her teary face, his queen, his baby, his sweetheart, his wife.
'What did that fucker do to you damn it!!?'.
She realized that he's angry, so angry she better tells him or hell would break.
'He...he...tried to-'.
She heard him take in a sharp breath, she swallowed hard, 'Kiss me'.

He closed his eyes and stood up carrying her not saying a word, as he carried her outside she realized that his men we're scattered everywhere, she recognised Xavier and some other men she's never seen before.
They got inside his car and he muttered a simple "drive", and the car came into motion.
They reached the house and she struggled out of his touch, she didn't want to be in his arms, not when he was this angry.
'Stay still!'.
'Let go!', she pushed him and he put her down, she pushed him and went inside, how could be angry at her in this situation?, she reached the stairs and began running to the bedroom when she heard his voice yelling her name.
'Karina!, Karina stop it!'.
'Leave me alone!', she reached and locked te door and leaned on it, she sobbed and sat on the floor, instead of thinking of her safety he's busy getting angry at her, damn him!.
He knocked the door impatiently but she ignored him and yelled .
'Go away!'.
'Karina baby, I'm sorry, please open t door'.
'I don't want to fight you!', she said in her sobs and mussed her hair in frustration.
'Karina, love please open, the doctor's here to check on you and the baby, my love please open'.
Her eyes enlarged, the baby, of course the baby!.
She stood up and opened the door, the old doctor smiled sadly at her and entered.
She shut the door and locked, he better stay as far away from her, she went to the doctor who started treating her wounds first and checked on her baby who was thankfully fine, the doctor also told her to take it easy now that she's heading four months.

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