Chapter 12

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I groaned as I flipped through another page of the big book that I have been surfing since school ended today. I still hadn't got the perfect idea on how we were going to write our history assignment on World War II and neither has Theo. We have to read through the entire war occurrence and write about the battles and the contributions into an essay for the assignment.

I knew history was boring, but I didn't know it was this irritating as well.

I don't think Theo will agree with me though. He has been sitting beside me and silently going through a huge book and reading it as if the contents truly fascinated him, I guess they did fascinate him in some way. He told me he has always loved history. Weird kid.

The library was unusually quiet and it was bothering me a little bit. I know the library is meant to be silent, but you don't know about my school's library. Our librarian finds her chair pretty comfortable than the bed at her home I guess because all she does here is sleep, sleep and sleep some more. Since there was no one to manage the library and tell the students to 'Be Quiet!', our school library has always been a little bit louder than all the libraries that you may have come across in your life previously.

I suddenly regretted ever agreeing to stay back at school with Theo to work on our project. I should have just gone back home and pestered Zack some more or got inside my covers and should have slept nicely; even lazing around in my room and texting Tristan would have been a better idea. Better yet, I should have just lied to Theo and told him that I had a Skype call to attend – either with Reece or with my brothers. Now, that would have been more fun.

I had my reasons for staying back at school though. Luke, Kade, and the rest of the boys had soccer practice and Kyra was not going to be at home – remember she has a date? So I did not like the idea of being home alone. Throughout the day, I was thinking about how I will be alone in the evening and was dreading it, but then Theo came up to me like a knight in aluminum foil and asked me if I wanted to work on our project in the library after school; he didn't want to be home alone too. Of course, I agreed. And so here I was, stuck with a big-ass History book on World War II and an idiot who loves this subject more than how much I love chocolates.

Luke was not happy with it again; knowing that I was going to spend time with Theo bothered him for reasons of his own. But he never objected to it after I told him that it was necessary to work together on our project.

"That's it!" I snapped the book shut with a thud and sighed looking up at Theo who didn't even spare me a glance.

"Theo!" I whined.

"Hmm?" was his very uninterested response.

I glared at him and forcibly closed the book that he was reading, making him give me an amused look. "Let's take a break!"

"It has just been an hour, Care," he chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement as he looked at me.

"Exactly!" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration, "It has been an hour and I am all drained of my energy. Should I remind you that not all of us like this subject?"

"Okay, okay," he laughed softly, "How about we go get something to eat from the vending machine in the hallway?"

I grinned. "Sounds great!"

We both went out of the library to the deserted hallway. There was no one here and it kind of reminded me again that the school has been closed for more than an hour already and everyone was home while I was the only pathetic creature that was stuck with a history-loving guy who wants me to read the books that everyone in this school hates – The book that I was reading was brand new, meaning no one has even attempted to read it. The practice for my friends doesn't end until another one hour and till then I have to deal with super boring History, super irritating Theo and Super tired Caroline.

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