Chapter 35

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As a girl born in a family with four elder brothers like mine, it was not a secret that I didn't do well with surprises and shocks. They always result in my brothers rolling on the ground with laughter and me throwing a tantrum. Regardless to say, my parents were not a very big fan of that either and kept shocks and surprises out of my way.

Surprises and shocks both have differing effects on me. While a surprise can alter the rate of my heart and possible cause me an early heart attack – okay, that's a bit dramatic – shock can absolutely make me faint.

My brothers organizing me a secret birthday party or gifting me a car for Christmas gives me just an adrenalin rush that I hate, on the other hand, Aaron putting flour inside my hair dryer or him putting ants inside my shoes can give me a reason to throw a tantrum – shock.

There was this one time when I was a kid, my brothers decided to tell me that we were all going to die because there was an apocalypse that was arriving very swiftly. And to add to their lies, the sky that day and the day before had looked dark and cloudy as well. Me, being the naïve four year old that I was, believed them and had started to cry. What was more unforgiving about all that was that they made me share my Gummy worms with them since the world was going to end anyway and I didn't want my worms to go to waste, I became the good sister and shared everything with them.

So, imagine my parents' shock when they came home that day to find their daughter waiting for them with their share of Gummy worms, tears streaming down their face. Now can you imagine my shock when my parents told me that I was tricked – again – by my dear brothers to share my Gummy worms with them? From that day, I had been extra careful to never feel shocked or surprised.

As I'm always ready, there are only a few things in this world that can in actuality shock me though. Like my parents leaving the country for a few years on a business meeting or them shipping my elder brother off to my uncle's place or even David getting a girlfriend – now that is what I call as a real shock.

This moment was one of them. The shock that covered my entire body when Luke's lips pressed rigidly against mine is not something that I can describe to anyone.

A shiver instantly ran down my spine the moment his lips touched mine. As soon as this happened, I was reminded of the first kiss that we had shared that night when Luke had turned up at my doorstep fully drunk and completely wasted.

Just like the last time, just like our first kiss, Luke was kissing my frozen, unresponsive lips, his hands snaking around my waist pulling me as closer to him as possible. My heart started to drum frantically against my chest and I'm sure that he and everyone else currently in this Hotel can hear it.

The thought that my best friend was kissing me, should have brought some kind of disgust in my mind, but no, all I felt was an unnamable emotion heightening and overwhelming me. I felt a hot blush travel up my neck to color my cheeks and my ears all got hot with the warmth that was rushing up my face.

My mind didn't process what was happening, but my body should have, as a new kind of heat developed in my lower abdomen and I was sure that my hormones were all in a drive. My hands turned into fists on my sides as I tried to fight the unknown feeling that I was feeling within me.

Luke let out a groan, which sent another shiver down my spine as he whirled me around and pressed me to the wall that had been behind him. There was not even an inch of space between us as he proceeded to kiss my cold lips, not caring that I did not return his kiss.

Suddenly another shudder went through my entire body as I felt his lips nibbling my bottom lip, coaxing me gently to return his kiss as one of his hands traveled up north and came around my neck, angling my face in such way that was easier for him to get access to my lips, without breaking the kiss. Another shudder passed through me as my knees rendered useless, turning into a jelly with the effect of the kiss my best friend was showering over my lips. Without my own concern, my lips moved to return his kiss as my mind blanked and all the rational thoughts flew out of my brain. My once limp hands moved up to lock itself against Luke's neck as I kissed him back passionately – the same way he was kissing me. I could feel Luke's lips tug up into a smile but then he suddenly pulled away from me.

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