Epilogue II

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Epilogue – II

When Luke and I had finally gotten enough of each other for today, it was about four in the afternoon. That was when we had realized that it had been about three hours since we had locked ourselves in my room and we didn't even know that the time had passed by so fast.

We took a shower, separately of course, we didn't have any more energy to deal with each other after we had rolled out of our bed. I went into the shower first while Luke sorted himself out. Quickly, I got dressed while Luke went into the shower. I removed my sheets too, trading them for new sheets from my closet as I left the old one in the laundry.

As I sat on my bed, waiting for Luke to finish his shower, I scrolled through my twitter feed, looking at all the tweet mentions I had in the past few hours. I was now a famous movie review blogger and when I was not in school, I was either at the theater watching new movies – either alone or with my friends – or locked inside my room, writing reviews about the movies that I had recently watched. I usually wrote reviews for the movies that the people following my blog wanted me to. Every Friday night a poll will be put up in my blog asking my followers to choose a movie that was released recently for me to write a review about. The movie with the maximum number of votes gets reviewed by me the next week – nowadays, two movies.

I was still not Peter Bradshaw or Elvis Mitchell at that, but I still have a considerable amount of fans, rooting for my work. A few weeks ago, a famous magazine has even asked me to write critics for a television series full time; I had declined the offer though, knowing very well that I wouldn't be able to juggle between University works, my regular reviews with my blogs and full time writing for a magazine.

I had first started it for fun and to just pass my time, but it had soon gained popularity and now my blog was widely followed by a lot of people all over the world. I had even been on David's show once, a few months ago and it had been real fun – though the media people only promoted that particular episode of the show because it had been kind of like a brother Vs sister game, the way that we both rolled that day.

Luke exited the bathroom, just a towel hung around his hips and my eyes immediately locked onto his awesome, lick worthy chest, my heart thudding against my chest as I took in his sculpted top. He looked like a Greek God with all those water droplets rolling down his chest.

"Like what you see?"

And there it was, that same cheesy line that all men in the movies use over a woman when they catch her staring at them. While to all those women in the movies, that line jerked their inner feminine side out, it did nothing of that sort to me. In fact, I really found that line overused and practically very old.

"You know I do," I replied, gently biting onto my bottom lip and playing with it, knowing very well that it drives him crazy whenever I do that.

Luke groaned, walking closer to me and climbing onto the bed, both his hands placed firmly over my shoulders as he leaned down to capture my lips with his. I grinned against his lips as I dropped my phone on my lap and snaked my arms through his neck, pulling him closer to me so I can kiss him without any trouble. I had to keep the kiss under control; we couldn't afford to go another round of what we had been doing. But it was too hard to be in control when his fingers were slightly caressing all the way from my shoulders to neck, in such a way that it made heat pool into my core, my heart warming with love.

I immediately pulled away from him when I realized that at this rate we were not going to stop, "Get off me and get dressed," I whispered, my lips brushing against his.

Luke slightly pulled away from me and frowned playfully, "Do you really want me to?"

"No," I told him, truthfully, "But, we have to leave in about an hour and a half."

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