Chapter 32

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"When you're ready come and get it, Naa na naa naa," I sang lowly as I opened my locker, taking out the books that were needed for the first two periods.

"Are you done avoiding me?" An angry voice sounded behind me.

I closed my eyes exhaling a long breath before turning around to come face to face with none other than my one and only best friend. Luke had his eyes narrowed on my face, his gaze unwavering and looking deep into my soul as if he was demanding answers from it.

I was nearly knocked down by the intensity of his gaze, but then I forced myself to stay upright, reminding myself that the fight between us was anything but my fault. It was not even a fight to begin with. Luke was just being childish as usual.

"I am not avoiding you, Luke," I shook my head at him and sighed, "I don't even know what gave you that idea."

"Well, I don't know," he said with sarcasm as he lifted his shoulder up in a small shrug, "Maybe the fact that you avoided talking to me, oh, even looking at me the whole time we stayed in New Zealand and then maybe the fact that you wanted Kade to bring you to school today, instead of me bringing you here like I always do."

"It's not like that," I insisted, praying that he should buy it, "I just... missed Aaron and I spent most of my time with him because I wanted to catch up for everything that we had missed so far. I asked Kade to bring me to school because he was coming early to practice and I had to come to school early today too – my English assignment is due tomorrow and I have a little bit of research left. I did text you everything in detail, Luke."

Luke gave me a 'Really?' look in return, not really buying anything that I had just told him. He just sighed and shook his head, taking a step away from me, still watching me intently. But then like a light being switched on, his expressions changed and he whirled around and stalked away from me, his posture tense and annoyed.

I sighed and contemplated on calling him back and apologizing to him, but then thought better of it and kept my mouth shut. It will only lead to more arguments and him asking me why I forgave Axel. Question after question, it will only lead to what Mr. Daniels did that changed Axel's character. I am not going to tell him about Mr. Daniels, even though he cheating on Mrs. Daniels was not the reason why I forgave Axel – I forgave him only because I wanted to let the past go. It is not my secret to tell anyone about their family problems, I told myself as I turned to my locker and placed my forehead over the cool metal of the locker.

After Aaron got out of the police station that night, I didn't bother asking him who Harper was nor did I bother talking with Luke as I know that our argument was just being pointless. He wanted to know why I never told him about what Ryder and Axel had told me about their parent's divorce and I wanted to know why he never told me about Theo and Kyra's apparent liking for each other.

I know it was not his secret to tell me, nor is what Axel and Ryder had told me my secret to tell him. So to avoid any more arguments, I avoided Luke all together and spent my days with Aaron. If Aaron noticed any strain between my friendship with Luke, he didn't comment and for that I was happy.

We were there in New Zealand till late Saturday and when we reached home, it was already well into Sunday. I told me being tired as a reason and didn't even come out of my room the whole day yesterday and then when I woke up today morning, I was too annoyed to see Luke and I wanted to avoid a potential fight, so I did what I always do the best. I ran away from my problems like always and asked Kade to bring me to school today after coming up with a much excusable reason of wanting to go to the library early.

Gah! I wish I never have to face all these.

"Hey, Caroline," a new vaguely familiar voice sounded beside me, "Are you okay?"

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