Chapter 31

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Walk right.

Walk left.



Walk right.

Walk left.



Walk right.

Walk lef –

"What on earth are you doing?"

I looked up at Theo who was staring at me with a weird look on his face. I grinned at him, making him take a step back and away from me in mock fear. I almost rolled my eyes at him when he shuddered and gave me a pitied look as if I was the one who needed help. That brat.

We were both on our way to the cafeteria for our lunch and I was doing a weird kind of a drill. All thanks to Andrew, my dearest brother for making me this weird.

"I am trying something that Andrew told yesterday," I informed Theo and then continued doing my drill. Jump, go right, go left and pause...

Theo caught hold of my arm and stopped me from doing it again. He gave me a look that yelled 'stop' and then looked around the hallway to make sure that no one was looking at us oddly.

"Stop it already, Care," he hissed once he turned towards me, "You are attracting unwanted attention to us."

I looked around the hallway, following his eyes and sure enough people were looking at me and him oddly, or maybe they were looking at me in awe after seeing my amazing steps. I waved at Axel as he walked past me with his friends and then turned back to look at Theo.

"Oh, well," I shrugged, flashing him my most innocent smile, "Andrew kind of told me yesterday that doing this routine will make me more active and energetic. I kind of wanted to see if it will really work."

"Oh, well," Theo mimicked me with a flutter of his eye lashes, clearly mocking me, "I guess your brother kind of told that for humans. I don't think the trick really works on aliens."

I glared at him while he just smiled at me like an innocent child. He fluttered his eyelashes at me again and opened the door for the cafeteria, motioning for me to get inside, like the gentleman that he was. I barely contained in a snort that threatened to slip out of me. Gentleman? Hah! As if! The word gentleman and Theo are worlds apart really.

I rolled my eyes at him as I slipped in right past him into the already crowded cafeteria and smiled when I saw that Luke and Tristan were already sitting there. They looked like they were already knee deep in some conversation and were looking like they were

I turned to Theo as I remembered something, "Oye! How was your date? I completely forgot to ask you about it and give you a hard time about just finding your guts to ask her out."

Even though I know about Theo and Kyra's apparent liking for each other, Reece had advised me to stay out of it and act with Theo as if I didn't know anything about it. After grumbling to myself about how I had to get a life lesson from Reece, I agreed to it and then told Kyra to not tell Theo or Luke that I know about all these.

Theo shot me a look at that, "I had my guts all the time, you know."

"Nah, I don't believe that even a little bit," I snorted and then chuckled as we sat down at our table. Theo messed up my hair, knowing very well on how much I hate that and then slipped next to me on my right side.

"What do you don't believe?" Luke raised an eyebrow at me from my left side.

"I don't believe that Theo had the guts to ask Nova out," I informed him and then turned to Theo with a very sarcastic smile.

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