Chapter 30

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Do you know that moment in our life where we wish that we get some kind of superpower and stop things from happening by just shooting a colored light from our eyes? That is the exact moment I was in.

Luke's eyes burned with hatred as he glared at Axel. His jaws clenched painfully that I want to run up to him and free his poor fingers, but I was too scared to do it actually. Too scared on seeing his hazel eyes turn darker before my own eyes and a nerve ticking in his jaw. He was furious, that much I can figure out and I didn't really want to be one of the collateral damages of his fury.

Axel on the other hand looked calm and collected. It was a side of him that I have never seen and honestly, his reactions scared me more than what Luke's reactions did. It was as if Axel had given up on himself and I didn't like it. Not even one bit.

Do something, my mind yelled at me.

What am I to do?

Anything! Do anything to stop Luke. He cannot fight with Axel. Not today. Not when you have finally got the closure about everything and not when you are involved in this!

Deciding that my mind was for once right, I willed my frozen leg to stand up and I slowly made my way to Luke whose eyes was still fixated on Axel like a predator watching his prey. Axel on the other hand just stood there with an emotionless face – I sometimes really wonder how he manages to keep that no emotion face of his intact. If there were no laws against killing a person, I am sure Luke would have successfully killed Axel by now and judging by the murderous look on his face, he would have definitely enjoyed it.

"Luke," I whispered, slowly raising my hand and placing it on his arm.

Luke's entire body tensed under my touch and I watched as the fury reduced from his body and the tenseness left him. It took him a few seconds to relax completely and those few seconds should have been the most agonizing seconds of my life.

"Care," he whispered back suddenly and his head snapped to mine.

I mentally did a happy dance and smiled at him, "It's nothing. Calm down."

Just like a switch has been flipped, Luke's demeanor changed and his eyes hardened again, making me gulp. "What do you mean calm down?" he hissed at me and unconsciously my legs took a step back and away from him. Uh oh, I said the wrong thing, I guess.

"Luke, listen to me, it was nothing. He was not here to create problems," I looked at him with a pleading look in my eyes, "You have to trust me on that."

"Care, but-"

"Please?" I begged looking at him with desperation, "Please, Luke?"

I could say that Luke was getting torn. He was fighting himself. He is trying to decide between what he has to do and what has to be done and I can tell that I am winning this time. He is letting me win. I gave him a smile and watched again as his stance relaxed.

I turned to Axel who was watching the exchange between me and Luke with sharp eyes, the look in his eyes telling me that he knows something that I don't know. I gave him a gentle smile which he returned back, "I think that's your cue to leave."

"I think so too," he nodded at me with a solemn look, "Thank you for everything, Caroline. But thank you more for actually forgiving me. It means so much to me."

Luke tensed next to me and slowly his hands circled my waist, pulling me to him almost possessively. His grip on my body was iron strong making me wonder what was going on into that head of his. Whatever it was, it can't be good seeing as he is looking like he just ate the vilest tasting food in the entire world and is ready to puke his gut out.

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