Chapter 15

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Do you guys know what loneliness was?

According to Wikipedia, loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation or lack of companionship. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connectedness or communality with other beings, both in the present and extending in the future.

As such, loneliness can be felt even when someone is surrounded by a lot of people. The causes of loneliness are varied and include social, mental, or emotional factors.

Does anyone else here dread their birthday just because they have to spend it alone – without their family I mean. I was doing just that and that was the reason why I hated my birthdays with a burning passion. My family had, for two years, deserted me on my birthdays without even a wish – if they even wished, it would either be advance or belated because of the time difference between us, I guess – and let me tell you it is not a nice feeling to know that your family didn't even care enough to wish you on time for your special day.

Do you guys know what friendship is?

Friendship is a type of relationship between two people who care about one another enough to do anything for each other. But such a dry definition doesn't do the concept of friendship justice. Consider these examples: A friend is the first person you want to call when you hear good news. A friend remembers that you don't like pickles on your sandwich. A friend will accompany you on the most boring of errands and make them seem fun.

In other words, friendship is wonderful, and much ink has been spilled in citing the virtues of having friends. That's not to say friendship is easy, though. It demands time and effort, and it requires that people put someone other than themselves first sometimes. But in exchange for that work, a friend can provide an immense amount of support and comfort in good times and in bad.

And that is exactly what my friends were doing now. I was half asleep and was dreading the day that was tomorrow since it was my birthday. You know that day which comes every year and makes me long for a wish from my parents or brothers... oh yeah, that's right, it's the same day.

I had been desperately trying to sleep and you know what happens? Suddenly my room becomes eerie for some reason and I have a very bad chill developing through my body awakening Goosebumps all over my skin. I got up slightly resting my body weight on my elbows and switch on my sidelight. That is the moment that I get a heart attack.

I clutched my chest startled by the sudden screams that reach my ears and look at the people in my room with wide eyes. There they were, Kade, Kyra, Tristan, Ryder, Theo, River, and Luke, all sporting wide grins on their face. My eyes start to water because I know exactly what they were doing here. The tears that jump out of my eyes were tears of happiness.

Now, what is happiness?

I don't know about you people, but I don't believe that we need a formal definition of happiness. To me, we know it when we feel it. The experience of joy or contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one's life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile – this – to me summarizes happiness and that was exactly what I was feeling now.

I sat up straighter as Luke stepped forward and placed something before me on the bed. Looking down at it, I realized that it was a black forest cake with the words 'Happy birthday Care' written across it in an elegant cursive font. Tears flowed through my eyes, but I didn't mind them as I looked between my friends and the cake before me in amazement.

Luke chuckled as all my other friends yelled. "Happy birthday, Caroline!"

That broke me out of my trance!

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