Chapter 46

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Before long, our two weeks in Tasmania was over and we were about to leave now. To catch a flight back home. My mind was on overdrive as I tried remember if I had packed everything last night, I didn't want to think about how much I was going to miss this place. My brother had only bought this house and settled in Tasmania about a year ago and this was our first time visiting, but I felt home here, maybe that has something to do with the fact that a part of my family was living here now, a part of my heart will always be here.

"Come on, Cady. Pick one!" I heard Andrew grumble from his room across mine. Andrew and Cady have been trying to do some last minute packing since the past two hours, but considering the fact that Cady couldn't decide what top she needed to pack with her – the pink expensive one, or the peach stylish one – Drew and her were currently arguing.

All my brothers, Cady, my brother's fiancée and Weston were also flying with us back home, to celebrate Christmas together there. My brothers were keeping that promise they'd made to me at the start of this year. They had said they would be home to spend Christmas with me and that was exactly what they were doing. Cady and Weston were just a sweet addition to our vacation.

Almost a week ahead of Christmas, I couldn't be more excited. In fact, I don't think I've ever been this excited about a holiday in years.

"How about you take both the tops, Cady!" Weston scowled poking his head into the room

"Ugh, that's a good idea," Cady mused and Andrew sighed.

"I said the same thing two hours ago and you went on a rant about why you cannot take both the tops with you."

"Really?" Cady asked, and when Andrew gave her an unimpressed look, she shrugged, "Sop pouting and holding me back, Drew. I need to pack."

"What?" Andrew gaped, "I'm holding you back from packing?"

Chuckling I turned them out, looking around for my phone. I remember putting it on charge, but it was not on the side table where I usually place my phone when I put it on charge. Oh. I remember picking it up to send a message to Tristan about wanting to hang out tomorrow, but then I had no idea where I had kept it.

"Cady is driving your brother insane."

I looked over my shoulder to see Weston walking into my room, exhausted, a tired frown pulling down at his lips. "Hey, West."

"Hey," he mumbled falling back on the bed.

"Has your sister always been like that?" I asked crawling on to the bed beside him.

"Only when she gets excited."

It wouldn't take a genius to know Cady was really excited. She had been that way since the day we decided we'll all be flying back to Melbourne. Initially, her excitement had been contagious, but over the last few days, they've got too old and boring. Instead of bursting her bubble like we had wanted to, my siblings and I decided to not make an enemy out of the only person in the household who can cook.

She was just excited, she said. She was going to see the place where her fiancé grew up. Last night, when we had been talking to her, I had realized she was under the impression that our house back in Melbourne was going to be this warm, small, cozy house – comfy. Something that would have emotions and sentiments embedded in its every brick – her words.

My siblings and I couldn't bring ourselves to tell her our house – well, our parents' house, really – was more of a mansion, less of the house she was expecting. More ostentatious, less humble. Bursting her bubble was something I couldn't do when she asked me how we were all going to stay in that house. I had to grit my teeth and excuse myself away from her when she asked us if there were enough room for all of us there.

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