Chapter 50

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Days passed and things didn't seem to cool off at home. I can still hear my brothers and my parents shouting at each other, sometimes past midnight when everyone was supposed to be asleep. There was not a single day where I had seen peace and quiet in this house after their return.

Aaron was still furious with our parents' sudden visit. He did everything these past few days to show them they were not really welcome with us. Surprising everyone, Ethan and David took his sides too.

Everything only got worse after David's health became better and he was able to shout at the top of his lungs. Until then, the fights that they had was just screaming and yelling at each other but after he woke up all I heard was screaming and yelling at each other with things being hurled around too. I think they broke the French style window in the living room yesterday.

Andrew has been going to the ends of frustration the past few days and every time my other brothers and my mother go into a screaming match, he just silently gets up and leaves the room. I'm sure that he already has enough in his plate considering that he's going to be married, he and Cady have to prepare everything for their wedding, adding family drama to it was never good.

Not to mention, Cady and Weston have been locking themselves in their respective rooms, scared that they would be pulled into the family fight too. We were supposed to make the guests feel comfortable, but we were doing the exact opposite. But, Cady and Weston were not exactly guests either, they were family and I hoped that they would understand that.

My parents think that going on a vacation to Hawaii as a family is a good idea, they think that we can just fly out there and spend our time together and that would help us talk and get over everything that had happened in the past three years. My brothers think that whatever our parents want to talk to us about, they can do that here and that we didn't have to go on a vacation to do that.

I never thought that this summer which was supposed to be the best summer of my life would turn this way. The stress of all this was getting to me, not to mention, without Luke here I was just spiraling down into something dark. I would take the awkward dreaded talk with Luke over this screaming and yelling match any time.

I pulled Otis closer to me as I snuggled. It had been about two in the morning when I had been able to go to sleep yesterday, or more like today. Aaron had been screaming at our parents – more like at our mother – for even thinking that they can just walk back in here and demand that we go on a vacation.

Our mother had been the worse, she had been impatient and getting angry when it was basically their fault that we were behaving this way. She thinks that if she could scream louder than my brothers, then she would win and we would go on this vacation. Too bad, life and family doesn't work like that.

Our dad had been silent for the most of the part, only talking when he thinks that the argument between his wife and my brothers need some interruptions. Dad was never a big fan of arguments and he always only wants to play peacemaker. Andrew got that from him.

I let out a yelp as I sat up on my bed, my sleep long gone as I heard something crash and break down the stairs, followed by yelling at each other. I huffed, trying to calm down Otis who I had successfully startled when I woke up and ran a hand through my hair. Sometimes, I don't know how my mom's voice goes so high when she wants to scream and yell at someone, it was scary.

I was about to get up and head to the bathroom – now that I was awake, I can at least get dressed and coax Weston into taking me out breakfast; that was the only thing that had me excited for waking up this early in the morning. But no, someone had to spoil it by knocking on my door.

Sighing, I pulled Otis on my lap for strength knowing very well that it was either my brothers trying to make me take sides on their current fight even though I have made it pretty clear that I was on their team or it was one of parents, 'trying to make me see the truth' as they put it.

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