Chapter 52

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The next few days were really fun. I mean, can you believe it? I was seriously having fun in this vacation to which we all fuzzed so much about coming to.

Now that I think about it, we shouldn't even have fuzzed about it. We should have silently got into that plane the moment our parents mentioned Hawaii, not caring that we were not in a good relationship with them that time. It is Hawaii for crying out loud.

Hawaii was warm and the beach was still something that I was so much in love with. I have been to this place before, but from the last time I was here I don't remember this place being this beautiful. The last time we were here we stayed in a Hotel and I don't remember a beach house being mentioned. My best guess was that my parents only got this beach house recently, you know between our last visit and this visit.

The relationship that we had with our parents was getting mended slowly. In the last few days, I remember doing a lot of things with my mom and Cady, which I originally planned on doing only with Cady.

There had been frequent tanning in the beach in our favorite bikinis. We all have a pair of our own favorite bikinis in which we like to go tanning in the beach. We had a discussion on what we would do once we got bored of our favorite bikini, to which my mom replied that we should go without bikinis in our birthday suit. We laughed at the joke, at least I think it was a joke.

And then there was going shopping in the mall with only my mom because Cady had gotten tired and needed a nap, she decided to not join us. I really thought that our shopping trip to the mall would be really awkward, considering that the time we last went to shopping together was about three and a half years ago. But surprisingly, the shopping trip to the mall was not as awkward as I thought it would be. Sure, there were silence between us for a few minutes which was begging to be filled, but when we got past that silence, we were able to get a little bit of shopping done and it was really fun.

I went for a walk down the beach with my dad too who kept on commenting that I had gone stick thin. I almost rolled my eyes at that. I have always been stick think, I wanted to remind that to him, but I refrained myself from doing it because I felt that his concern was making me happy.

So, after he babbled on for about an hour about how I should eat more and put on some weight, somehow, we started talking about our family and then he suddenly told me about how he was planning to change the base of his business back to Melbourne, so that he can be a normal dad to me and my brothers.

He told me that he was going to do what he had promised he would do and try being a better father who went for work in the morning and came back home to spend time with his family in the night. He told me that we will also try going on family vacations together and spend more time as a family.

He also told me that mom was planning on quitting the business and is just going to be staying home because her health had been rapidly deteriorating in the past few months. She had to take a break, if not for us, then at least for her health.

I then proceeded to tell him about everything that had happened to me in my life in the past three years. I told him how difficult adjusting to my new life in high school had been. I told him how Violet was annoying me every day, I told him about Sierra's change and that Luke dumped her because she started to bully me – of course, I didn't tell him about the part where she pushed me and broke my arm. I also told him about Axel and how he had broken my heart.

At that moment, my dad had no clue what he should do. Should he be happy that his only daughter was not dating anymore or should he be mad at some boy had broken her heart when he wasn't around?

He babbled about how he should have been there for me and then after a few minutes, promised to be there to threaten all my boyfriends in the future and scare him to the point where he wouldn't even think about hurting me. He promised that he would clean his shotgun and use it if some boy as much as made me sad in the least. He promised that he would protect me from all my future boyfriends.

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