Chapter 36

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The word above has two meanings, according to the dictionary. Two different meanings.

1. Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.

2. Causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience.

It has various synonyms to it too. Some of them are difficult, embarrassing, uncomfortable, unpleasant, problematic, troublesome etc. I don't know what synonymous word I should use for the situation that I was currently in.

I believe in awkward situations, now that I have completely experienced them. The eyeball staring, pit stains creating, train wreck of a situation that is awkward. We all love them, at least by the looks of it, River does.

River from the shit eating grin on his face, believes in schadenfreude. It is a German word. It's used to describe the feeling of satisfaction someone gets from watching other people experience misfortune. It is very apparent from his face, his pure joy of watching others suffer in an awkward situation.

He purposely made me sit next to Luke, knowing very well that we were not on talking terms. He knew that I wanted to escape this situation so badly, but he pushed me next to him and now I cannot escape.

Luke was not enjoying this either. He looked as comfortable as I was – and that was saying a lot. His shoulders looked stiff and his entire body looked tense as he looked out of the window at the passing sceneries. His hands were balled to fists and were plastered to his side and his jaw was ticking as if he was in a great pain.

We were struck in a situation where both the parties were looking for something to take their attention from the person next to us, but we are stranded anyway. I know that we would do anything in our power to go back in time and avoid this situation, but it was impossible now.

It has been exactly eight hours since Luke walked out on me and he has not spoken a word to me or even turned his head in my direction since then. We were all now leaving for home and saying that this car ride is the most awkward one I have endured in my lifetime is the lightest way of putting it.

We were all taking cars to the airport from where we would board a plane back home. Theo and Ryder got to ride with Reece and Liana while, Tristan and Kyra were riding with Rachel and Roan, Reece's sister and her fiancé; they wanted to come with us as they wanted to bid us goodbye in person. That being said, I was forced to take a ride to the airport with Luke and River on my either side in the backseat of the car while Kade sat in the front with the driver.

When the car finally – FINALLY – jerked to a stop before the airport, Luke was the first one to get out of the car. He got out of the car with a speed that would put a lightening to shame. I didn't know sitting next to me repulsed him so much.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts, before climbing out of the car at the exact moment my friends all reached the place. I watched with a smile as Tristan – again – tried to flirt with a girl in the airport and the girl in return giving him a seductive smile and a flying kiss.

Some things never change I guess.

"Some things never change," River snickered looking at Tristan too. It was like he had just read my mind.

I laughed a little and nodded, agreeing with him, "They don't."

He turned to me with an amused smile, "That was an... interesting car ride."

I rolled my eyes at him, pushing him away playfully, "Try the word awkward there instead of interesting. I will kill you if you make me endure another awkward moment with him again."

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