Chapter 19

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Life couldn't get better when you have your best friend with you. I had mine and so my life was great. If I didn't have Luke, I don't even want to think how my life was going to be. The adventures he and I have been on are legendary. When we hang out everything becomes epic. Everything was great till a few months ago. That was when things changed.

A dark ominous cloud appeared over our heads and threatens to eclipse our entire friendship. Sierra. And she was a bane of our friendship and will always be so.

"Hello, Harper," was the first thing I heard when I walked into my first class of the day.

My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked at Sierra who was sitting in the seat next to mine. "What are you doing here?"

That seat has been unoccupied since Reece left town. Why would Sierra suddenly sit there was beyond my knowledge. She was not even in this class, to begin with.

"I got transferred to this class," she shrugged, a repulsed look on her face, "Ms. Vella asked me to sit here."

"Great," I mumbled sarcastically as I flopped down on the seat next to her.

"Hey, cancel your Sunday plans with Luke this week."

I placed my book on the table and opened it. "Why would you ask me to do that?"

"Because I want to take Luke to this party that my parents are hosting," she said, inspecting her nails, "But he says that he can't cancel your day together. So I'm telling you to cancel it so that he will come with me."

"Um," I glanced at her, before going back to looking at a girl in the front of the class who had pink highlights in her hair, "We, eh we don't cancel our Sunday plans. It's against our friendship code."

At that moment, her half-nice act abruptly fell off her face and she mockingly sneered at me. "You can. Don't you remember all your Sunday plans that he ditched to be with me, hmm? Over the summer?"

I smiled at her smirk. "He did. But I won't. And as a matter of fact, it won't happen again, Sierra. Luke will never ditch me for you again."

"Are you so sure about that?" she smirked mysteriously and then turned her attention to her book.

Creepy girl!

"I won't say a word about this conversation to him. If you can convince him to ditch me," I shrugged, "Well then..."

She didn't reply to that. She kept her head straight ahead ignoring me as if I hadn't spoken a word to her...

Every word out of her mouth was a nail in the coffin of my friendship with Luke as she relentlessly threatened me to stay away from her boyfriend – my best friend. Will I ever listen to her? Hell no! I was here first in his life, so it's time she learns to get on with the fact that her boyfriend has a girl best friend.

Sure they were a lot of girls – beautiful girls trying to wedge into my friendship with Luke. But his current girlfriend is not your average beautiful girl. Sometimes, I feel like she is a beautiful girl with two horns on her head and one evil goal – and that's breaking my friendship with Luke.

Sierra wasn't always like this. If I remember correctly, I was the one that pushed Luke to even ask her out. She was a sweet girl, very friendly to me even. She only changed completely after she started dating Luke and hanging out with Violet. Sure they became best friends very quickly – Violet and Sierra, I mean – but what I never expected was Sierra to change more like Violet.

Well, they did have something in common now – Hating me for no reason.


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