Chapter 54

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The days after I moved out of the McCann's household and back into my own, were spent trying to get used to the old, but somewhat new surroundings that I had been put into. Even today, about a week after I had moved into our old house with my mom and dad, I still have a hard time going to sleep at night and recognizing my room the first thing in the morning after I woke up from the restless sleep that I had gotten the previous night.

The summer ended on a bright note. Luke was still not home from New York, but I did hear through Kade that he would be in school today - today was the first day of our Year 12 in High school. Kade had told me that he was coming to school directly from the airport and couldn't inform me about it because I was still not answering his calls or returning his texts.

And if you are wondering, yes, he still doesn't know about the fact that I had moved out of the McCann's house. I didn't have the courage to tell him yet, and I don't know how I was going to tell him now either because it has already been too long since I had moved out and he would have expected him to be the first one to have heard the news about all this - that too from myself and not from anyone else.

I don't know what I was doing anymore. I mean, the reason that I had so far for not telling him about my moving in with my parents was that I didn't know how to tell him, but even to me, it sounds like utter bullshit now. I don't really know why I didn't tell him about anything and it was so not like me. I would normally never do this, definitely not to Luke.

Sighing, I got myself dressed in a pair of dark blue stone washed jean shorts and a light green turtleneck sweater. I decided to leave my hair down and looked at my reflection in my mirror. My hair that was now cut short, reaching a little past my shoulder was in its natural semi wavy form down my back. My face was devoid of makeup, but that was just the way I wanted to go to school today.

I pulled my bag up from the bed, where I had placed it and slung it over my head, pulling my sweater down and adjusting it in such a way that my bag didn't pull up my sweater or something when I would remove it from over me later. I looked around my now set room and let out a sigh, my shoulders rising up and down, when I took in how different it was to my room back in the McCann's place.

I thought about how Augusta had cried that day when I had moved, telling me that the room that I had used for the past two years will always be my room and how I was always welcome to come back there any time I wanted to. Even after I insisted like a million times that I wouldn't need that room again, she wouldn't stop repeating it. She didn't want anyone else to use that room. Currently, Otis was the one who got lucky enough to stay in that room after I had left.

I had left Otis in Kyra's care, after making her promise a lot of times about how she will protect and feed that cute puppy till Luke returns back home from New York. I was very sad to leave it there, but I didn't have any other choice. My dad was not really a big fan of Otis as was Aaron. Now I know where Aaron got the hatred towards the dogs that he has been showing poor little Otis.

I opened my door and stepped outside, immediately welcoming the noisy bickering of two people from down the stairs. Rolling my eyes at them, I walked down the stairs and straight to the kitchen, to find Aaron and Harper arguing about what they should get me for breakfast - the peanut butter jelly sandwich that Aaron prepared or the pancakes that Harper had made.

"She's my sister," Aaron huffed, finally pulling the sister card when Harper didn't back out, "She will eat the food that I cooked."

"Cooked?" Harper scoffed, "You didn't cook anything, Aaron. Peanut butter jelly sandwich needs no cooking."

I saw her point as I bit my bottom lip, not wanting to burst out laughing at them both as I leaned against the kitchen doorway as I watched them arguing for something so small. Aaron and Harper had come home two days ago. Harper was going to be staying here in our house till their college stuffs are finalized and she could move into her dorm.

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