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Sonia's POV- March 2019

When this trip was planned, Clara and I made a detailed schedule of every tourist thing to possibly do. Tickets were bought way before Cody got the balls to ask her out. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for her but I was starting to remember why I was not too fond of her past relationships. She'd agree to do things with me and then would cancel last minute. If I complained about it, I'd get accused of being a jealous and bitter friend. When her relationships ended, she'd just come back to me as if nothing happened no apologies whatsoever.

We were supposed to go to all get dinner on Friday night when we got in, but Clara ditched us to hang out with Cody. She left me right after the game on Saturday, and I still went on about my schedule alone. I was getting ready to go to dinner on my own when I got a call from Christian inviting me to have dinner with him and Stella. Sure, I always teased him for being really tall and having a big face (and jaw), but I actually liked to third wheel him and my sister. He always made me feel welcomed, and well I got to see how happy he made Stella. They had been dating for a while now, so I was certain that when she was done with school, he'd ask her to move to Milwaukee with him.

When we made our plans, Cody was only supposed to take her out to dinner after his game Sunday afternoon. I honestly should have gone hiking on my own, she rushed the entire thing in order to get back to the hotel to get ready for her date.

I was super excited to go to the botanical garden today after the game against the Giants. The game ended, and we were led to the family room. I really needed to use the bathroom, so I went to do that. When I got back, there was no sign of Clara.

"Hey, Nia"

I smiled at Chris Taylor and accepted the hug he was stepping forward for.

"Hi, Chris" I greeted.

He gave me a squeeze before letting go of me. As he let go of me, Nora, his girlfriend offered me a small smile.

"Clara left with Cody, she told me that you could give her ticket away or let it go to waste"

Well, this was humiliating.

"Then, I guess I should head out," I said.

"Where were you two going to go?"

I looked at Nora.

"To the Cactus Botanical Garden," I answered.

She smiled and looked at Chris.

"We actually have tickets for that, would you mind if we joined you?"

"You know I don't mind either one of your company" I stated.

"I'll fill your tank"

How nice of him.

"Now that I actually have you in front of me, can I ask you for a huge favor?"

"What is it?" I asked Nora.

"Can you pick me up from the airport on Sunday?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, of course. I need to pick Stella up so just shoot me your flight info" I told her.

She smiled.


I turned around to see Alex making his way over.


"Hi" I greeted.

As he gave me a hug, Chris raised an eyebrow.

"You two know each other?"

I nodded as Alex let go of me.

"Yeah, we met at a bar a couple of days ago" I replied.

When Chris and Nora looked at each other I knew that next time I saw Cody he'd pay for being a big mouth.

"I see"

Chris cleared his throat.

"Got any plans, Alex?"

He shook his head.

"No, my parents canceled on me last minute"

Well, that sucks.

"Sonia has an extra ticket to the botanical gardens"

Alex looked down at me.

"You do?"

I nodded.

"Clara ditched me to hang out with Cody," I said.

He frowned.

"Cody was my ride back to the hotel"

Of course, he was.

"I haven't been to the botanical gardens in a while, can I get the ticket? I'll pay you back"

I chose to ignore Nora's eyebrow wiggle.

"Let's head out then," I told them.

We made our way out, and as we approached my car, Chris spoke up.

"Please tell me you got an oil change before driving here"

"Of course I did, and I did it myself," I said before sticking out my tongue out at him.

Dad had taught both Stella and me to do change a tire, and do an oil change.

"Alex, you can sit up front with Sonia"

I found the garden fascinating especially because most if not all these plants were grown with almost no water. It was nice that I didn't have to go alone, but it hurt that someone I considered to be one of my best friends ditched me.

"You okay?"

I looked at Chris and nodded.

"Yeah, just thinking," I told him.

He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a light squeeze.

"I'll talk to Cody"

I shook my head.

"This trip was planned before he got the balls to ask her out. Just because she's here does not mean he can dictate what he wants to do with her especially since Clara didn't come alone"

I shrugged.

"She's canceling on you, and I know you say you're fine but it's not fine. It's fucked up"

He frowned when my eyes glossed up.

"I'm okay" I assured him.

I took a deep breath and blinked a few times.

"No crying, we're going to have a good time and then after we're going to go eat some really good food"

I nodded as he squeezed my shoulder and then gently rubbed my back.

"We're having a house warming get together the 31st, and it would mean a lot to us if you came"

I pulled my phone to see it was on a Sunday.

"Yeah, of course" I replied.

"It's a potluck, so you can make that ceviche I really like"

I laughed.

"Of course," I told him.

"Now let's go find Nora and Alex"

I rolled my eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"I never pictured you to be a cougar"

I narrowed my eyes as he laughed.

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