Twenty Four

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Sonia's POV- May 2019

In order to better accommodate Abby and Aly, I chose to take up Alex's offer and spend the night at his place. They slept in my bed, and I got alone time with Alex.

"Do we really need to get up?"

I laughed as Alex nuzzled his nose against my cheek and pulled me closer to him.

"I mean, unless you don't plan to eat before practice" I noted.

He sighed and kissed my cheek.


I was planning on staying in my PJs for a little while longer, so I curled up and watched him figure out an outfit for today.

"I can get Bobbi a ticket"

He set a pair of jeans on the bed and looked at me as he slipped on his shirt.

"She would go, but she's got a final exam tomorrow morning" I answered.

So she'd spend her day going over some material. 

"Oh, right. She only has June off"


"Well, let her know that I got her for a game when she's off"

As he disappeared to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair, I got up and quickly made his bed. When he walked back, he found me seated on the bed, scrolling through my phone, wearing one of his hoodies.

"You should wear my hoodies more often"

"I'll give it back, I just don't want to walk down the hall in my PJs" I noted.

He smiled.

"You know I don't mind"

I did not have my keys, so while Alex locked his place, I crossed the hall and knocked on the door. The door opened just as Alex got to me.

"Just in time"

Carol stepped back in order to let us in, and I locked the door once we were inside. Everyone was seated at the dining table, so Alex and I joined them.

"Morning" I greeted them all as I made a beeline over to Drew who was munching away his breakfast on his high chair.


Alex offered them a small nervous smile as he greeted them all with,

"Good morning, thanks for inviting me to breakfast"

Drew giggled as I tickled his side.

"I see someone likes the shakshuka" I noted.

It was all over his bib, face, and hands.

"Nia, two eggs are fine?"

I nodded at Abby's question.

"Have you ever had shakshuka, Alex?"

He shook his head at Aly's question.

"No, but it kinda looks like huevos rancheros"

I could see a slight resemblance in dishes.

"He is not a picky eater," I assured Abby.

"So four eggs?"

Alex nodded.


Once a plate of food was placed in front of him he turned to me.

"So how do I eat this?"

"Well, that's what the Challah is for," I told him.

They all watched as he took his first bite.


Alex hummed as he licked his lips.

"This is delicious"

It was so good, he asked for seconds, and more Challah. While Abby and Aly cleaned up and Carol put Drew to bed for a nap, Alex, Bobbi and I got out of the way and went to the kitchen.

"It sucks you can't come to the game, Bobs"

Bobbi looked at Alex and pouted.

"Stupid final exams"

Alex chuckled.

"I got you for a couple of games, Bobs"

She smiled.

"You called me Bobs"

And not Barbara.

"I can go back to Barbara"

She shook her head.

"No, please don't"

Alex chuckled and leaned back. My phone started ringing just as there was a knock on the door.

"I got it" I said as I looked at the screen.

I ignored Clara's phonecall and made my way over to the door. On the other side of the door stood Clara.


"Hi" I awkwardly greeted.

She smiled.

"So Cody mentioned you're going to the game tonight, and I was wondering if I could get a ride"

First of all, no. Second of all....NO!

"I actually have a full car already" I told her.

She nodded.

"Who's going?"

"Abby, Aly, Carol, and Drew" I answered.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Why is Drew going?"

"Alex got him a ticket" I replied.

She hummed.

"Well then, nevermind"

She clicked her tongue.

"So can I come in?"



Thank you, Bobbi.

"Sonia may still be civil around you, but I don't need to be"

And just like that, she slammed the door closed. 

A/N: Gotta love Bobbi. 

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