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Alex's POV- March 2019

"Coming!" I called out seconds after I woke up to the doorbell ringing.

Right after the game, one of the team vets did me the favor of driving me to the hotel I was staying at to check out and then dropped me and my three suitcases off in front of the apartment complex I would be living in. Thankfully, I bumped into Jake and Matt, Sonia's housemates who were coming back from a jog so they helped me lug the suitcases into the elevator and then into my empty apartment. I was originally going to get it furnished, but my mom and sister made a huge deal out of it. They would furnish it next week when I'd be out of town, so I was put in charge of getting a bed frame, bed, and bedding for it. 

I only put one suitcase away before passing out on the bed, but thankfully I did change into the outfit I'd be wearing to CT's house warming party. 

"Sorry, sorry I fell asleep" I apologized as I opened the front door.

Barbara, Sonia's redhead roommate smiled.

"No worries"

She glanced behind me.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course. Let me get my jacket and put on my shoes" I told her.

She slowly nodded and stepped into the apartment.

"It's pretty empty in here"

"Yeah, my mom is supposed to furnish it next weekend while I'm away" I called out.

"When exactly is this happening?"

I took a seat on my bed and glanced at the doorway when I heard light footsteps.

"The weekend," I told her.

She slowly nodded.

"Does Nia know?"

"Nope" I answered.

She hummed.

"You should tell her"

I would get to it.

"Well at least you've got light canceling curtains in here"

"Yeah, I'm kind of thankful I stumbled upon it when I went to order my bed" I answered.

She slowly nodded.

"What's Sonia up to?" I wondered.

She smiled.

"Am I not who you expected?"

Well I didn't want to be rude.

"I was already, ready so I offered"

I finished putting on my shoes and stood up. Once I grabbed a jacket, I reached for my phone.

"I can braid your hair if you want?"

"Does it look that bad?" I asked as I retrieved back into the closet to get a hat.

"I mean, you could have combed it better"

Gee, thanks.

"How are your braiding skills?" I questioned as I followed her out.

She gasped.

"I was a competitive gymnast, it's like a prerequisite"

Well, that explains her small frame.

"Well if you don't mind," I said.

"I'll get some clear small bands"

She glanced at me as I locked the door and made my way out.

"So are you not showing up with anything?"

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