Forty One

556 16 1

Sonia's POV- July 2020

Carol manifested it into existence because everything did work itself a strange way.

Alex was traded to the Red Sox in February, and due to my maternity leave, I was able to be to join Alex in Fort Meyers, Florida for Spring Training. A global pandemic caused Spring Training and the season to be put on hold, which allowed Alex to be there to welcome our daughter, Olivia Rose Verdugo who was born April 16 via c-section.

For two months, I took care of Liv with the help from Tia while Alex worked out waiting for the season to resume. We decided to look for a place at the beginning of June, and Alex actually went to see them in person before we decided on a condo close to work and close to Fenway. He signed the lease and we began packing everything. We moved to Boston two weeks later and quarantine decided to self-quarantine, just in case.

During our self quarantining Alex received notice to report to 'summer camp'. We were already in Boston, so we settled; finished furnishing and decorating our new home. The injury he dealt with while he was with the Dodgers healed, and he did stretches and workouts to strengthen that area.

"Buenos dias, nena"

(Good morning, baby girl)

I blinked as I heard Olivia's giggle through the baby monitor.

"Es hora de comer"

(It's time to eat)

I shifted on my side and looked at Alex who opened his eyes. Today was opening day today, and

"Vamos a dejar que mama y papa duerman hoy"

(We're going to let mom and day sleep in today)

Alex snorted and pulled himself into a sitting position.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen, at least not for me"

Alex understood a lot more spanish than he had when I first met him, but still did not speak it fluently. He and Tia communicated well, she understand English and he understood spanish. It was speaking in English for her and Spanish for him that they struggled with.


I smiled as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Morning" I said after he got his kiss.

He licked his lips,

"What time do you have to be at Fenway?" I asked as one of my hands touched his bicep and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm heading over at 5:30PM"

I nodded and he kissed my temple.

"I'm not playing today though, I'll start tomorrow"

I see.

"We will still be watching" I told him.

He smiled and reached for my phone when it chimed,

"It's Emilio"

He handed me my phone and I read the text.

"They need me at the office Monday" I said to Alex.

It was Friday.

"They're finally bringing in the furniture?"

I nodded.

"I can go with you?"

"I would appreciate that" I replied.

"When is Emilio flying from LA?"

"He should be here next week" I answered.

"So he'll be here when all the tech stuff is installed?"

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