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Sonia's POV- Independence Day 2019

The entire stadium gasped and watched as the medical trainers rushed to make sure Chris was okay. What had just happened? He had taken a pitch to the face and the ball had been thrown at such a high velocity. If he had not been on the floor clutching his face, I would have assumed he had hit a home run. That's how loud that crack sound was.

One of his hands immediately clutched his face as the medical trainers shouted at him to stay put. With their help, he pulled himself up and was able to walk himself towards the dugout. 

"I need to get down there"

Nora, Chris' girlfriend quickly stood up and gathered her jacket.

"Do you want us to come with you?" I asked.

She was the only significant other of Alex's teammates that I associated with.

"Yes, please"

I had convinced Bobbi to come with me to tonight's game. She had just started her 4th and final year of Med School, and I wanted to hang out with her before things got crazy for her.

"It hit him in the face, right? I'm not the only one who noticed the collar area of his jersey soaked in blood.

Nora was the only one let into the room Chris was in, but I was able to get a glance at him. He was holding an icepack to his temple.

"I'm fine"

The door shut, and I looked at Bobbi who took a deep breath.

"He's an idiot"

We moved out of the way as a medical trainer and two paramedics walked past us and into the room. I leaned against the wall as I stared at the door.

"The dark haired paramedic was a total babe"

I shrugged.

"I don't know, I didn't see" I admitted.

We turned as we heard quick footsteps.

"Hey, have you seen Nora?"

"In that room" both Bobbi and I said.

Josie, Nora's sister nodded as she knocked on the door. 

"We'll be in the family room" I told her.

She nodded and stepped inside as the door opened. 

"Lead the way"

No one was in the family room, so we had some privacy.

"That was really scary"

Bobbi looked at me after she sat down.

"He should be unconscious"

She pursed her lips.

"Today just needs to be over"


"Do you want to stay and watch the Fireworks?" I asked.

She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Of course"

Nora peaked into the room a bit later.

"How is he?"

She shook her head.


That's nothing new.

"We're going to head out before the noise and fireworks start"

Bobbi spoke up.

"Wait, you mean the medical trainers are letting him go home?"

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