Thirty Six

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Sonia's POV- September 2019

There was something about the different notes of men's cologne and the smell of coffee that was nauseating. I toughed it up during the weekly briefing, but I quickly excused me as the meeting ended and rushed to the bathroom just in time to throw up the little breakfast I forced myself to eat this morning. 

After a couple of minutes of dry heaving, I flushed the toilet and pulled myself up. I rinsed my mouth and took a deep breath before making my way out of the bathroom.

"You okay?"

I clutched my chest as I stared at my boss, Emilio.

"Yeah, I think it's something I ate last night" I replied.

He nodded,

"There's someone I want you to meet, are you up for that?"

I took the two mints he was offering me, and nodded as I chewed on them.

"Atta, girl"

I followed him down the hallway and into the conference room.

"Mr. Williams"

I felt Emilio's hand on my shoulder as the older man across from us looked away from his laptop.

"This is Sonia"

The man smiled,

"Miss Saenz, I've heard a lot of good things about you"

He gestured at the seats.

"Have a seat, both of you"

As I took a seat, I glanced at Emilio who asked,

"What's going on?"

Mr. William smiled at Emilio.

"So it looks like Boston will happen"

He continued,

"And I want you and your team to be in charge of the transition"

Emilio sat up and frowned,

"Why not Patrick?"

Mr. William chuckled as he leaned back.

"We will not be renewing his contract come the end of the month"

I mean, it made sense but holy shit.

"As well as the receptionist you two share"

He looked at me.

"Miss Saenz, you failed to report the negligence on Miss Sosa's behalf. I've been told that this is not the first time you have been left out of important emails and that a rumor has been circulating"

I glanced at Emilio who opened his mouth to defend me,


Mr. Williams cleared his throat.

"I want to hear your side of the story"

I sat up and looked at Emilio who leaned back against his chair,

"She believes that I am having an affair with Emilio" I disclosed.

That was the rumor.

"Oh that's rich"

Emilio raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

Mr. Williams waved him off.

"Your sexuality has nothing to do with this"

He smirked,

"I just find it amusing seeing as Patrick and Miss Sosa were the ones having an affair"

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