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Sonia's POV- September 2019

Alex gave me the space I needed, and through that time alone I was able to realize that I cared for him more than I thought. As Christian had might even be love.

"I'm home" I called out as I locked and closed the door behind me.

"Wash up, dinner is ready"

"It smells amazing" I commented as I placed my purse on the couch.

As I did that, my eyes fell on the rather large bouquet on the coffee table.

"That is for you"

I retrieved the envelope and pulled out the card.

"That has to the biggest 'I fucked up' bouquet I have seen in person"

Bobbi snorted,

"The nerve of you to say that Carolina"

Cody had sent her much bigger flower arrangements.

"What's for dinner?" I wondered as I read what was written on the car.

In Alex's chicken scratch writing, it said,

I'll be in LA next week, Can I see you?

Alex and I had not seen each other in person since the day we had that argument. Although we had talked things out, I wondered how it would be when we saw each other.

"Spaghetti and meatballs"

Bobbi chimed in.

"Parmesan is in the fridge"

I placed the notecard back in the envelope and stuffed it in my purse before making my way over to the source of food. Drew smile and happily smeared spaghetti sauce on his face as I pushed his hair back.

"How was work?"

"I was not dressed for the occasion" I noted.

"You were at a site today?"

I hummed and nodded.

"Thankfully, I carry my boots in my car" I stated.

"Don't they usually give you a heads up?"

"They do, but I was not sent the email" I replied.

"Did your boss see that?"

"He gave her an earful," I said.

Which in turn just made her hate me even more.

"I mean, you're clearly his favorite since he is your mentor, but does she not realize that neither you or her are his type?"

I shrugged.

"What exactly is your boss' type?"

Bobbi replied,


Carol hummed,


Bobbi nodded,

"Yeah, that fine piece of man is married to a man"

Who was equally gorgeous.

"I bet he's equally handsome"

I served myself up a plate and took a seat as Bobbi filled me a glass of fruit punch.

"Thank you," I told her.

She smiled.

"How were rounds?" I asked.

"Absolutely dreadful"

I laughed.

"And to think you get to do this for the rest of your life" I noted.

"I don't mind it, but the resident in charge is a total dick"

"Is he still trying to get in your pants?"

Bobbi scrunched up her nose as she nodded.

"Yup, he does not take a hint"

My phone chimed...a handful of times.

"Speaking of harassment"

I rolled my eyes.

"Alex still messaging you?"

"He'll be in LA next week" I answered.

Carol asked,

"Are you going to see him?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, he reached out" I replied.

"I take it he doesn't know he'll see you?"

I smiled.

"I may have forgiven him, but that doesn't mean I can't mess with him" I said.

They laughed.

"I'll message him back after dinner" I stated.

Once dinner was over, Bobbi went to her room and Drew got fussy leaving me on my own in the living room. I grabbed my phone and took a seat on the couch. Just as I was about to text Alex, I got a call from him. After staring at the screen a few seconds, I swiped my finger across the screen.

"Hello" I greeted.

First I heard Alex's breathing then,


He cleared his throat.

"How, how are you?"

"I've had a pretty hectic day" I admitted.

"Why's that?"

"Just some work problems" I responded.


I hummed,

"What's up?" I asked.

"Uh, did you get my texts?"

"I just finished eating dinner and was about to look through my texts" I lied.

"I see"

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'll be in town next week"

"Your rehab is going well then" I guessed.

He hummed.

"It's a 50/50"

"That's unfortunate" I noted.

"Yes it is"

He cleared his throat.

"Did you get my flowers?"

"There is a bouquet of flowers in front of me" I responded.

I was going to make him sweat.

"Read the card?"

I grunted as I sat up.

"Give me one second" I told him.

I grabbed the notecard and sighed as I sat back down.

"Oh" I said as if I didn't know what was on the card.

"Are you busy next week?"

I had no plans.

"Just work" I answered.

"Can we get lunch?"

"Sure" I replied.


I looked up as I heard Drew's squeal of delight.


I smiled as he streaked through the living room.

"Hey, I'm going to have to let you go. We've got a streaker" I stated.

Alex chuckled.

"It was nice to hear your voice"

I bit my lip.

"I miss you"

We needed to talk in person, so I just ended the call.

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