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Sonia's POV- September 2018

I had two options; I could head home where Alex would likely show up or I could go to my parents where I knew I'd get the privacy I wanted. I chose to go home because I really did not want to take a pregnancy test in my childhood room and have my parents try to barge into the room asking what's wrong.

"I'll go with you tomorrow morning to get bloodwork done"

I looked at Bobbi,

"You have class," I told her.

She waved me off,

"This is more important"

I bit the inside of my cheek as I turned my attention to the three pregnancy tests next to me. All of them had a positive result.

"What exactly happened, Sonia?"

I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

"I got a promotion at work today" I replied.

She smiled.

"That's great!"

I hummed,

"In Boston" I said.


I nodded and took the waterbottle she was handing me.

"It's a great opportunity" 

It is,

"Alex basically told me I was selfish for even thinking of the idea" I stated.

She snorted,

"Oh no"

Oh, yes.

"You broke up with him, didn't you?"

I sniffled and turned to my phone when it chimed.

"It's just your boss"

Bobbi read the text,

"You have the option to take the day off, or to go in at 12 PM depending on your appointment time"

I took a deep breath.

"And that he hopes you feel better"

The doorbell rang,

"That must be Alex"

"I don't want to see or speak to him" I told her.

"Your wish is my command"

She squeezed my shoulder before standing up. I looked at my phone when it started ringing, and reached over to shut it off. A couple of seconds later, I could hear Alex and Bobbi arguing before the door slammed shut. 


It was followed by a knock,

"Can I come in?"

"Just a second" I called out.

I put away the pregnancy tests before looking at myself in the mirror. My face was swollen because of the crying I had done, and my neck had developed a rash. I quickly dabbed my face clean with a tissue and then blew my nose with another.

"Come in" I said.

The door opened as I tossed the tissues into the trash can. Drew waddled in first, with Carol following.

"You okay?"

I took a deep breath before crouching down to pick Drew up.

"Not really" I admitted.

"What exactly happened?"

I sat down on my bed as Carol sat on the desk chair.

"I broke up with Alex" I disclosed.

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