Thirty Three

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Sonia's POV- August 2019

As it turns out, Alex did feel threatened by my boss. I did not tell him that Emilio was gay because I didn't think it mattered. If he trusted me like he claimed he did then there was no reason to doubt...unless...he didn't trust me.

I also found out that Alex is a total jerk when he's upset. He had been dealing with an undisclosed injury since he took a tumble in May when they played the Tampa Bay Rays. It was the reason why he was currently in Arizona instead of LA with the team. He did not like that I was unable to drop everything and follow him to where he was rehabbing. Because of that, he blew up my phone. So much that my boss took notice and was kind enough to suggest that I go see Alex, so here I was.

"There you are"

"Here I am" I mumbled.

"Who were you talking to?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Does it matter?" I questioned.

I had been talking to Stella.

"Kinda, yeah"

I hummed and took a rather larger gulp of my coffee instead of answering his question.

"Why tell you if you're not going to believe me?" I asked him.

He frowned.

"If you were going to act this way, you shouldn't have come"

"You wanted me here" I said.

"I don't need that type of vibe right now"

"In most workplaces, your incessant phone calls would have gotten me fired!" I pointed out.

"Your boss has the hots for you, he'd never fire you"

I laughed.

"Yet, he gave me the week off so I could come to see my jackass boyfriend" I reminded him.

I reached for my phone when it chimed.

"Must be Emilio"

It was from Chris.

Hey, can you stay with Nora? She's not feeling well

I finished my coffee and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Does it matter?" I wondered.

He followed me to the master bedroom.

"You're picking Chris up, right?" I asked.


I nodded.

"Nora's not feeling well," I told him.

"I'll wait for you"

"I'll take an Uber" I countered.

Much to my surprise, he waited for me to change, and...I took my sweet ass time hoping he'd be gone by the time I finished getting ready.


"Yup" I answered.

He followed me out and tried to get the door for me, but I opened it on my own and got into the car before he could reach me. I looked out the window as he looked at me when he took a seat next to me. 

"Can you not act like a bitch in front of Chris and Nora?"

I pursed my lips and looked at him.

"Can you stop acting like a jealous dick?" I shot back.

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