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Sonia's POV- April 2019

I glanced up at the top right screen of my laptop as I heard a light chime. It was text from Alex that simply said,

How's that assignment going?

Before I could respond, there was a light knock on the door. I shut my laptop closed because I knew better than to leave it open with a black cat roaming around. 

"Hey" I greeted after I unlocked the front door and opened it.

Alex offered me a smile.

"I uh, brought you a snack"

"How thoughtful of you" I noted.

"Are you still working on your assignment?"

I shook my head.

"No, I'm just looking over it right now" I answered.

He handed me the small pink box.

"You can come in," I told him.

Once he was inside, he closed/locked the front door and watched as I set the box on the counter top.

"Your definition of a snack if way different than mine" I stated.

He lightly chuckled.

"I didn't know which kind you liked"

"So you brought a dozen donuts?" I questioned.


"That's so sweet," I said.

I reached for a Boston cream donut.

"Is that your favorite donut?"

I nodded and took a bite of it.

"Well, it's a good thing I got 3, right?"

I smiled at him.

"I will probably eat two right now" I admitted.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek as I stuffed my face with a donut.

"Is it due tonight?"

I shook my head.

"It's due tomorrow night" I answered.

"Save it and decompress with me?"

What a sweetheart.

"Okay, give me one second," I told him.

I saved the document in my USB, laptop and sent it to my email (just in case) before making my way over to him.

"How was your week?" I asked before pecking his lips and settling next to him.

"It was really cool, I got to make deep dish pizza during our off day in Chicago"

I scrunched up my nose earning a light chuckle in return.


"I don't really like too much tomato sauce on my pizza" I admitted.

He laughed.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen pictures of you and Stella munching on tomatoes as if they were apples"

"It's different though" I noted.

"How so?"

"It's whole and not chunky" I answered.

"That's true"

I leaned my head on his shoulder as he ran his hand through my back.

"So what exactly was your assignment?"

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