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Sonia's POV- March 2019

There was a light knock on the door making me look away from the exam I was grading.

"Come in" I called out.

The door slowly opened and in stepped Clara.


"Hi" I courteously greeted her.

"You were not kidding when you said you were busy"

I hummed as I corrected my student's response.

"What was it you wanted to talk about? Cody claimed it was super important" I said getting right to the point.

"He shouldn't have done that"

"How'd he get in, in the first place?" I wondered.

"His passcode still works"

"Is Chris' passcode still working?" I asked.


I see.

"What'd he say to you?"

I took a sip of my iced coffee.

"He told me I was being childish about this whole situation" I stated.

She bit her lip.

"Well you kinda are"

"So what exactly did you apologize for last Monday?" I wondered.

I was curious to know what she apologized for.

"You know I've liked him since I met him"

She even called 'dibs' on him.

"And it's not like I left you alone, you had Alex there to keep you company"

Was she serious?

"There's no need to be bitter about it, Sonia"

I laughed.

"Do you really think I was bitter about you spending time with Cody?" I asked.


"I was not" I assured her.

"Then what were you bitter about?"

This stupid bitch,

"I was hurt that we planned this trip and had plans that you canceled to spend time with a boy who took 3 years to give you the time of day" I stated.

Yeah, I was going there.

"You're being inconsiderate"

I raised an eyebrow.

"So now I'm the inconsiderate one?" I questioned.

She had the audacity to nod her head yes.

"Do you know how humiliated I felt when I came back from the restroom to not find you there? You couldn't even bother to tell me you were leaving with Cody, you had Nora do it for you" I said.

"It's not like you went alone"

"You seem to not get the point," I said.

"Then tell me"

"I went on that trip thinking I was going to catch a few Spring Training games and spend time with someone I've considered one of my best friends but instead I got ditched a handful of time, sexiled, and told to drive home on my own," I told her.

She stayed quiet.

"Tell me, Clara, how do you think Stella would have reacted if I had shown up to Christian's hotel room in tears?" I questioned.

Again, silence.

"How do you think Nora would have reacted if I had shown up to Chris' hotel room?" I wondered.

They both would have flipped. Stella would have barged right into the hotel and dragged Clara off the bed and forced her to apologize. Nora would have probably tried to stop Chris from going over there to knock some sense to Cody.

"You could have just knocked"

"Or you both could have gone to his room" I suggested.

"We could have"

"But you didn't," I said.

I thought it through before deciding to go to Alex that night.

"Both beds were unmade when I showed up the next morning" I noted.

She pursed her lips and nodded.

"Sorry about that"

"You're not sorry though" I stated.

You could hear it in the tone of her voice.

"This friendship has always been one-sided" I admitted.

And I was tired of it.

"At this point, I don't expect an apology. You don't have a lot of friends because you're a shitty friend not because they envy you" I said.

I reached for the exam I had left unattended.

"And tell Cody to mind his business" I added.

I gestured at the door as I picked up my pen.

"You should leave, I've got a lot of exams to grade" I noted.

She stood up and slammed the door on her way out.

A/N: Who's side are you on?

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