Twenty Five

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Sonia's POV- June 2019

Carolina made parenting look easy, but maybe that was just because Drew was a good tot. He happily ate the dinner that Carol had packed up for him. Because he was so well behaved, he got to have a piece of cotton candy. During the 7th inning, he asked to go to the bathroom, so Carol took him. All our phones chimed a couple of minutes later, it was Carol telling us that a security guard was holding her up. 

"Are you fucking serious" 

We all stood up and hustled up to the bathroom. As we approached Carol (and a crying Drew), I hooked my arms with Abby and Aly.

"I'll stay with Carol, both of you take Drew and drive to home" I instructed.

Abby nodded and rushed over to get Drew from Carol.

"What's going on?" I asked the guard.

He looked at me and sighed.

"I'm just following orders, Miss Saenz"

I figured.

"What's the order?" I wondered.

"I was told to make sure she wouldn't leave"

I see.

"Pretty sure going to the bathroom doesn't count as leaving" I noted.

"I know, but I figured it was best to approach her now than after the game"

"He never said anything about the baby?" I questioned.


I smiled and pulled my keys out of my purse.

"I'll stay with you then, and Abby and Aly can take Drew with them," I said.

Carol nodded.

"I know you're just the messenger, but you can come to get her after the game from her seat," I told the guard.

"Thank you for understanding"

We went back to our seats and Abby, Aly, and Drew headed home. 

"So now he wants to talk to me?"

Looks like Carol was heated, which meant that Cody was going to hear it from her. The Dodgers won the game 9-5 against the Mets and while we waited for the guard to come to get Carol, I sent Alex a text asking him for a ride back home. He replied a couple of minutes later,

I gotchu

"My dad knows who Drew's dad is"

Alex mentioned something about this last night. 

"Cody technically gave up his parental rights" 

"You didn't audio record him, right?" I asked.

"No, it's illegal here. If it had been in Oklahoma I would have done so" 


"I'm going to be civil about this whole situation, but I have two witnesses if he decides to play dirty"

My guess one was Abby, but who was the other?

"Chris was there, but I don't want to make him a part of it" 

How thoughtful of her.

"Excuse me"

We both stood up and followed the guard to a medical room.

"Do you want privacy?" I wondered.

Please say yes.

"Yeah, you don't mind?"

I shook my head as the door opened. 

"I'll give you two some privacy," I said when I made eye contact with Cody.

Once I was outside, I pulled my phone and sent Alex a text asking where he was. 

"There you are"

I turned around to see Alex making his way over.

"Something wrong with your car?"

I shook my head as he leaned in for a kiss.

"No, Cody wouldn't let Carol leave, so Abby and Aly took Drew with them" I answered.

He scrunched up his nose.

"It's kinda my fault, he overheard me mentioning it to CT"

Well, that makes sense.

"It's not your fault," I told him.

He pursed his lips.

"It kinda is"

"She was going to talk to him either way" I noted.

He leaned against the wall.

"So now we wait?"

We did not wait too long. Cody bolted out of the room, and a couple of seconds later Carol made her way out.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

She hummed and nodded.


"Everything good?" I wondered.

"Yes, everything is great"


"Shall we head out now?"

I looked at Alex who slowly nodded.

"Uh, yeah. Let's head out"

As we made our way out, she turned to me.

"He's coming over tomorrow morning to meet Drew"


"Do you want privacy?" I asked.

"It's your place, you're allowed to be wherever you please"

Well, she did say he was coming over in the morning and seeing as Abby and Aly were driving home in the afternoon, I would probably spend the night with Alex.

"What time will he be over?" I wondered.


I nudged Alex getting his attention. He had given us some privacy and had his headphones on.


"Can I spend the night?" I asked.

He smiled.

"Of course you can"

I was then tucked in under his arm, so I hugged his waist as we made our way to his car. Once we were in his car, he glanced at me and at the back, at Carol.

"You ladies, don't mind if I get something to eat before heading home?"

I shook my head as Carol replied,

"Not at all"

His next stop was a taco food truck, and he was kind enough to get tacos for everyone back at home. Once the two of us were seated on his couch in the living room, eating tacos, he spoke up.

"My mom is really happy that you're coming to Arizona"

"It should be fun" I noted.

He smiled.

"Glad you think so"

After Sunday's game, I would join Alex and head to his childhood home in Tucson. The Dodgers would be in Arizona for a 3 game series, and then they would head to San Francisco and I would head with Stella to Milwaukee to help her settle in.

"Mom is for sure going to pull out the baby pictures"

Oh, that was what I was looking forward to the most.

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