Twenty Six

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Sonia's POV- June 2019

Alex shifted on his side as I sat up to reach for my ringing phone. 

"Hello" I greeted as I answered the call from Bobbi.

"Sorry to wake you up, but these two will only be civil around one of us and I have my exam to get to"

I guess Cody was over.

"On my way," I told her.

I ended the call and turned to Alex.

"I have to head back to my place" I informed him.

He scrunched up his nose before mumbling,


"The only thing keeping Cody alive has to head out to take her final," I said.

I stood up and put on my slippers before grabbing my robe.

"What time is it?"

"9 o'clock" I answered.

He had an hour until his alarm rang.

"Go back to sleep, and when you wake up get dressed and come over for breakfast," I told him before rushing out. 

You could literally cut the tension in the room with a knife. Both Abby and Aly hopped off the kitchen counter (where they were glaring at Cody from) the second I walked in and took a seat on the chairs by the kitchen island. Bobbi smiled at me before stuffing the last bit of avocado toast into her mouth.

"Morning" I greeted.

Cody was awkwardly sitting on the couch, and there was no sign of either Carol or Drew.

"I have to go"

She gulped down her coffee before picking up her backpack.

"You got this," I said wishing her luck.

She smiled.

"Can we have pizza for lunch?"

"Of course we can, I'll buy the ingredients" I replied.

I was totally okay with that.

"Great, see you then"

She pointed at Abby and Aly.

"Drive safe, and text me when you get home"

Abby nodded at the second part was referred to her.


And just like that, she was gone. I yawned and plopped down on the couch across from Cody.


I looked at Cody.

"For?" I wondered.

"Waking you up this early"

I waved him off.

"No worries" was all I said before his attention darted to Carol who made her way out of the hallway leading to the bedrooms holding a very groggy Drew. 

She set Drew down who immediately hid behind her leg when he noticed a 'stranger' in the room.

"Papas, can you say hi to Cody?"

Cody sat up as the small tot cowering behind Carol's leg peeked over at him.


I felt a push on my chest as Cody choked out,


Drew hugged Carol's leg before looking up at her and opening his mouth.

"Sit down with Cody while I get you a snack to wait for breakfast"

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